[ 31 ] red paint

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ASPEN couldn't wait to rock up to art class any minute now, to see the look on Allison, Lydia and Isaac's face when they saw her again. The old her never was one to love soaking up attention, but the new her absolutely adored it.

As she walked through the halls amongst all the other students racing to their next class, Aspen couldn't get the picture of Stiles' face out of her mind. The way his face fell when she told him that the old her was gone, and the new her was here to stay.

She got the art classroom a little late after the class officially begun, and she could see through the window that Allison was beginning her painting, as the redhead next to her watched. She then observed that Allison's hand was abnormally shaking, and she was hesitant to even put the paintbrush to the canvas.

Aspen wrapped her hand around the door handle, before pushing it open, and all of the students turned around to look at her, but there was only one of them who had Aspen returning that look.

Allison Argent.

The Argent girl went from having an unsteady grip on her paintbrush to completely dropping it onto her palette, as her mouth fell open in shock, just like it did for Scott and Stiles also. Lydia too was in a state of shock, Isaac Lahey too.

But Aspen's eyes were on Allison and Allison only.

"What the hell...?" Allison's first words uttered from her lips in a confused whisper.

"I told you it wouldn't be forever, Argent." Aspen smirked as she strolled on into the room, throwing a couple sadistic waves at the other students who were staring.

Aspen casually pulled up a stool and sat on the other side of Allison, and stared at her blank canvas with puzzled eyes.

"What're you-- doing back here?" Allison said shocked as a smile rose on her lips, delighted to see the girl who resembled a sister like figure to her after so long.

"Eh," Aspen shrugged, "Doesn't matter. Point is... I'm back."

Allison couldn't wait any longer before wrapping her arms around the Carter girl and hugging her tightly, expecting the gesture to be returned.

While Aspen did return the hug, Allison could just for some reason tell something wasn't right.

Her hugs didn't feel like they used to.

As they let go from their strange-feeling hug, Aspen put on a fake and sadistic smile when she made eye contact with the strawberry blonde who was still staring at her with a similar expression that Allison did.

"Lydia!" she said with a fake chipper tone, "Kissed anyone else's boyfriends while I've been away?"

Aspen watched as Lydia's face fell, her cheeks even grew a red tint from what she supposed to be embarrassment. Aspen kept a straight face for a long three seconds, before she was unable to keep back her snort of giggles and laughter-- only confusing the two girls even more.

"Kidding!" Aspen giggled, "But man— you should've seen the look on your face just now! Absolutely priceless."

Lydia and Allison exchanged a side glance, both of them now acknowledging the very obvious—

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