[ 30 ] so, did you miss me?

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                     STILES went to school the day after his strange nighmare-within-a-nightmare, a little more shaken up than usual

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STILES went to school the day after his strange nighmare-within-a-nightmare, a little more shaken up than usual. He wondered what on earth it meant that Aspen had said "don't say I didn't warn you" to him in his dream, and he couldn't shake the feeling something was off.

He knew eventually he was going to have to settle with the fact that he and Aspen were never getting closure.

Everyone missed her of course, Scott was pretty much just as depressed about the lack of Aspen in their lives as Stiles was, Allison too. Isaac and Lydia missed having her around, but not as much as the other three.

Stiles walked through the school halls with Scott, both of them simply faced every day like they just had to get to the end of it. Until they knew whether or not Aspen was safe and alive out there, neither one of them could find joy in anything. She was the light of everyone's lives; without her, everything was just dim.

"I just wish she'd call like—once, you know?" Stiles muttered to Scott as they approached their lockers.

"You and me both..." Scott sighed back in response.

Stiles grabbed a textbook from his locker, ready to go to fifth period for history class. Once he was done, he shut his locker door and he and Scott made their way to Mr Yukimora's classroom.

Stiles had been contemplating in his head all day whether he should mention his dream to Scott, but he was yet to do it yet. He just thought it was strange; he'd been having nightmares for two months, and not once has Aspen ever appeared in any of them until now.

The halls began to swarm with students hurrying to class, just as the bell rang a couple moments ago. Stiles let out a defeated sigh as he placed his hand around the door handle, not in the mood for a history lesson right now.

But as he opened the door, and his eyes scanned the classroom, he could've sworn he felt his heart stop beating.

In the front row, in the same seat that had been empty since she left, sat Aspen Carter— her legs kicked up on the desk, spinning a pencil in one of her hands, with a cherry sucker in her mouth.

She looked so different from the last time he saw her. Her hair was a lot darker, shorter too. She was dressed differently too. Her jeans were black and so ripped you could see the black fishnets she had layered underneath them. He could tell the leather jacket she was wearing was a new one too. Her makeup had changed— while she used to wear bright tinted lipsticks, she now wore a red so dark it was deeper than blood, and her eyes were smoky in eyeshadow.

Nothing about her was the same.

Aspen looked up when she heard the sound of the door creaking open, and when her eyes landed on the hazel-eyed boy, she slowly and seductively pulled the cherry sucker from her lips and held in in her hand, letting a smirk rise on her dark-red lips. She tilted her head to the side slowly, finding amusement in how utterly stunned he looked. She placed the pencil in her other hand on the desk, and waved tauntingly with her fingers.

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