[ 47 ] allison was right

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                               AFTER her encounter with Aspen, Allison was sent straight into a frenzy of panic and concern, and started pushing her way through the mob of drunken teenagers— in desperate search for Scott or Stiles

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                               AFTER her encounter with Aspen, Allison was sent straight into a frenzy of panic and concern, and started pushing her way through the mob of drunken teenagers— in desperate search for Scott or Stiles.

The worry originally kicked in when Aspen began describing what the four dark demonic figures looked like— but it was when she said that their eyes looked like fireflies that something clicked.

Earlier on that day, Isaac had had an encounter with what he described to be the same things— and he described their eyes to look like fireflies.

And then when the Carter girl suddenly snapped, blurting out all these things about how nobody could see it— how she was being controlled.

"Stiles!" the Argent girl called out when she caught a glimpse of the boy— sat by the stairs with a girl, looking like he was having a discussion about some key he found.

Stiles whipped his head to the side in Allison's direction as he heard his name being called, and then he shortly apologised to the girl he was with, before getting up and going over to a very distressed Allison.

"What? What is it?" Stiles asked with worry, picking up on the distress in her manner and voice.

"It—It's Aspen—" Allison blurted out, "we were wrong about her—I don't think it's been her this entire time! She's—she said she was—"

"Hey, hey," Stiles tried to calm her down, "breathe. Slow down, okay?"

Allison took a deep breath in, gathering her words together.

"I was just with her," she restarted, "and she started— she started talking about the demonic things following her. And then she—she described them... she described them the same way Isaac did."

Stiles wasn't following, nor did he understand what she meant when she was talking about the Lahey boy and his place in all of this.

"What I'm trying to say is—" Allison tried to blurt, but was cut off by a tap on the shoulder.

She turned around to see none other than the brunette herself, a falsely manipulative smile on her lips—but her gaze on Allison was a warning one—warning her to keep her mouth shut.

"Ali here doesn't know what she's talking about," Aspen said convincingly to Stiles, then turning back to the Argent girl, saying; "I told you I was fine, Al—now, mind if I have a word alone with Stiles?"

Allison would've fought harder had the warning glare she received not scared her so much. But at least now she knew—this terrifying version of Aspen wasn't the girl she knew—she knew the truth. She just needed to make sure everyone else knew it too.

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