[ 42 ] roles reversed

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                       "SO..." Scott said hesitantly, as he and Stiles took their seats for E-con class, "Did you and Aspen find anything last night?"

Stiles dumped his bag on the ground by his seat, his face suddenly contorting to confusion at Scott's question. He turned his head to the side to look at Scott, the clear confusion written all over his face in capital letters.

"What are you talking about?" said Stiles at a low volume.

"Last night," Scott reiterated, "Did you end up finding anything to help her? You know, after you.... let her go back to yours— oh please don't tell me you had sex again!"

"What?!" Stiles whispered, but closer to a shriek, "Aspen was never at my place last night, what the hell are you saying?"

"Umm..." Scott said, his turn to grow confused, "Yes... she was... are you messing with me right now?"

"No... are you messing with me?"

"Stiles—" said Scott, "She was at your place last night."

"Scott—" Stiles mimicked, "No, she was not." he added, full belief in the words he was saying.

The two boys hadn't even stopped to notice Aspen's absense from school today as they bickered over who was right and who was wrong. Their dispute was soon called to a halt though as Coach Finstock grabbed the classes attention.

"Mischief Night!" Coach yelled in annoyance, "Devil's Night! I don't care what you call it— you little punks are evil!"

As if their previous conversation hadn't just happened, Stiles broke out in a chuckle of amusement, assuming Finstock had witnessed his clever prank he had come up with last night. Scott, though— was far from laughing.

His eyebrows remained in a confused yet worried frown as his eyes narrowed at the Stilinski boy, wondering how the hell he could just forget such a simple fact.

"You think it's funny, every Halloween my house gets egged?" Finstock confused his rant of annoyance, "A man's house is supposed to be his castle! Mine's a frickin' omelette!"

Coach then looked down at his desk, finding a small gift box wrapped up neatly with a little bow on the top of it. He scoffed, assuming this would just be another Devil's night prank, and held it up to the class.

"Oh, this? We're gonna do this again?" He scoffed, "I don't think so!"

And then he dropped the gift, expecting something usless or junk-like to come out of it, and came to a surprise t see he had just smashed a perfectly gift-like mug.

"...Happy birthday, love Greenberg." Coach muttered as he read the writing on the smashed cup.

The class and the laughter died down after a few moments, and everyone's attention refocussed to whatever work it was they were supposed to be doing.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now