[ 65 ] make that two calls

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"HOW much longer do you think we have?" Scott asked Deaton with caution and worry, as Aspen and Stiles remained silent and paralysed on the couch, not even so much as moving a muscle as Melissa treated their wounds.

"I wish I knew..." Deaton sighed with a defeated shrug, "But, if we don't figure out something soon, we're going to need to find a better place to keep them. I think we're grossly underestimating the danger here. They might be paralyzed, but it still feels like they've got us right in the palm of their hands..."

Meanwhile, Melissa was attentively treating the gashing wound across Aspen's stomach, trying not to make eye contact with either teenager.

Stiles and Aspen had always felt like children to Melissa, she loved them like a mother would love their children—it was a love that both Aspen and Stiles had been lacking for the majority of their lives. It hurt Melissa to see them like this.

But then, Aspen let out a quiet whimper, making Melissa snap her head up to look at her. And when she laid eyes on her face—through the restricting duct tape, she saw a single, lonely tear escape Aspen's eye.

"Aspen?" she said softly, and then the brunette girl weakly nodded her head, pain seeping through her eyes.

Melissa gently put down the cloth in her hand, and brought her hand up to Aspen's face, slowly peeling back the duct tape as Aspen let out a few more quiet whimpers of tears.

And then a few seconds passed, as Melissa looked into Aspen's emerald, teary eyes—before Aspen froze. Suddenly, the pained look in her eyes was gone and was replaced with one much more dark—and amused. She then let out a very quiet chuckle, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Seriously, Mel?" she whispered, "A couple tears is all it takes?"

When Melissa's face fell at the realisation, an evil smile sprawled across Aspen's pale, chapped lips.

"You're all wasting your efforts, you know." she continued, an edge of power and teasing in her low tone, "All this time you're spending trying to find a loophole? You should really be spending it on funeral arrangements."

"You're not gonna win this," Melissa said back to the demon inside of Aspen's body.

"Death is the only way out." Aspen shot back, "And even then—you kill her, I'll just hop right on into another host. Her brother, perhaps..."

"There's always a way." Melissa replied, more trying to convince herself of the fact.

"You're truly a fool if you believe that."

"This isn't you, Aspen..." Melissa whispered.

Aspen smirked devilishly once again, tilting her head to the side as her emerald eyes, glossed in false tears, stared into those of Scott's mother.

"If I had a dime for every time someone's told me that..." she laughed,

"You idiots don't seem to get it, do you? The Aspen you all know and love is dead. Whether that's because you all decide to kill her for the greater good or not—she's a goner."

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Melissa went to pick up the piece of duct tape again, sick of hearing the words come out of Aspen's mouth. She didn't want to hear anymore, so—she placed the tape back over her lips.

Silencing her.


"The scroll said to change the body..." said Scott, as everyone tried to come up with a plan to save both Aspen and Stiles.

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