[ 33 ] i can't say the same about you

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ASPEN arrived at school the next morning with an extra chip on her shoulder, and a spring in her step. All she had to do was refrain from killing anyone for a short while, and Stiles and the others would help her get rid of her freaky-ninja-stalkers.

Which, once again, made another appearance last night when she got into her temporary motel room.

Every time she saw them, it was from a fair distance and they never actively did anything—so she wasn't too scared of them yet, they were just throwing her off.

As she parked her new motorcycle in the parking lot, her eyes caught a glimpse of a strange sight not too far away.

It was Scott— running across the lot, looking behind at his own shadow like he was afraid of it.

Aspen's brows furrowed as she watched the boy, wondering what on earth it would look like inside his mind right now. As she continued to watch him, she saw how he ran into Stiles, who firmly grabbed him and tried to shake him out of whatever trance he was in.

Aspen sighed and walked over to the pair of them, and when she got there— she caught the back end of a conversation they were just having.

"You don't look all right, Scott...." she heard Stiles tell him with caution.

"I'm okay." Scott said in reply.

"No, you're not." Stiles told him, "It's happening to you, too— you're seeing things, aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

That was when Aspen inserted herself into their conversation as she approached them,

"Because you were running away from your own damn shadow like it was trying to bite you in the ass, Scotty." Aspen spoke as she finally approached them, causing them both to turn around and face her.

It didn't go unnoticed by Aspen how the McCall boy was practically glaring at her, she figured he couldn't be too impressed about her announcement of killing people last night.

Stiles however, just looked at her like he was fighting an internal battle with himself.

He hated that he barely recognised this new version of her, but he was also beyond thankful that she was at least alive, and more importantly, she was back. And after that glimmer of life he saw in her eyes last night, he wasn't going to let her go again.

"What do you want?" Scott sighed as he asked her.

"Funny you ask, actually," Aspen spoke, "I figured Stilinski here might've filled you in on the deal we made?"

Scott turned to Stiles with furrowed eyebrows, making Stiles sigh as he explained.

"I promised we'd help her with her problem, if she promises not to kill anyone."

"Well we have our own problems now," Scott said unsympathetically, "And how can we even trust that she'd keep her end of that deal? From where I'm standing, I'm not seeing a whole lot of the Aspen I once knew."

"You seriously need to stop dwelling on the past," Aspen sighed, "And as for trusting me— I hate to admit it, but I don't want you guys' help— I need it. I can't figure out what these things want with me by myself, so if refraining from killing anybody will make you happy enough to lend me a hand here, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to adhere to your rules, your Majesty." she added with a sarcastic tone.

Scott's jaw hardened, sparing a glance at Stiles, who was looking at him with an expression that said he thinks this is a good idea. Scott knew he needed to start to learn to trust Stiles' instincts with things more, so reluctantly, he let out a sigh as he turned back to the leather-jacket wearing girl.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now