[ 63 ] pull the trigger

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        AFTER Aspen had fallen into the trap that Okami had set up, planting her biggest fears in her head, telling her that she could stop it all from happening if she just let go— she had awoken Stiles, and quickly had the power to return Void i...

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        AFTER Aspen had fallen into the trap that Okami had set up, planting her biggest fears in her head, telling her that she could stop it all from happening if she just let go— she had awoken Stiles, and quickly had the power to return Void into his body. This was another act that Aspen was forced to sit back and watch, as Stiles fell back into the nightmare at her hands.

They had escaped Eichen House with immense ease, and were back to doing what they did best—terrorising Beacon Hills and all of it's inhabitants. The two nogitsunes had stopped by the school, insisting that Mr Yukimura revealed the location of the five remaining Oni tails. A little while afterwards, Kira's father had gotten the word out that the two possessed teenagers were back.

Right now, night was about to fall—and Allison, her father, and Derek were gathered in Stiles' bedroom on Stilinski's request. He had found something, something he believed to be a clue, and had to share it with the others.

"What is all this?" Argent was the first to speak, everyone looking at the marked-up chessboard in front of them, "What are these sticky notes for?"

"This is what Stiles used to try and explain to me about..." Sheriff Stilinski replied, looking up at everyone, "all of you."

"Well, maybe it's a message from Stiles— the real Stiles." Allison suggested, her voice filled with hope that may or may not be misplaced.

"I think it's from both of them..." said Stiles' father, "Earlier... I received an alert for the new alarms I'd installed in the house. Specifically— in Stiles' room. The two of them just sat there... waving at the camera like—like they knew I was watching them. They were both here... so maybe the message is from both as well."

"Do you think there's any reason my name's on the king?" Derek asked, trying to stay calm in the face of what was most likely a threat.

"Well, you're heavily guarded..." Stilinski told him , looking down at the board, "Though, I guess the alarming detail is that you're one move from being in checkmate..."

As the king-piece was marked up with a sticky note with Derek's name attatched to it, there was another significant piece right next to him. It was a pawn-piece, known as the most insignificant piece on the board. But it had Aspen's name attatched to it—and she was anything but insignificant.

And it was her piece that was one move away from putting Derek in check-mate.

"It's not a message from Stiles—" Argent spoke, "it's a threat from Okami."

"And Void..." Allison said lowly under her breath, then added, "They're at the loft. That's what Stiles is trying to tell us. And he wants us to come there."

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now