[ 26 ] for old time's sake

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                       THE TRUTH IS THAT Aspen didn't really know where the hell she was going when she finally parted lips with Stiles and walked away from him and everyone else

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                       THE TRUTH IS THAT Aspen didn't really know where the hell she was going when she finally parted lips with Stiles and walked away from him and everyone else. She was sort of just walking amelessy for nearly an hour, waiting for some sort of sign— and boy did she get one.

As she was walking on a secluded road, her eyes beginning to finally dry up from the emotional goodbyes, she heard a howl. Not just any howl—not Scott's howl.
No, this one was more wrathful, vengeful, stronger, deeper. She didn't know who it belonged to—!but it rang through her ears like a high pitched whistle, and also triggered her wolf side's appearance.

It was a full moon tonight, she figured her transformation would be soon, but whoever's howl that was definitely sped it up. She looked down at her nails and saw the claws slowly emerging, and felt her fangs piece her gums. She wasn't scared—more like confused. It wasn't a howl she felt she could follow since it was so foreign.

And then she heard another one-- one she did recognise, one she could follow.


It wasn't from too far away either. She'd already said her goodbyes, but what if he was in trouble? She couldn't just leave it alone, it would eat away at her if she knew she had the chance to help him and didn't take it.

Aspen began to run through a woodland, until an industrial building made itself visible in the distance. She got closer and heard more grunts and roars—she heard fighting, and she knew Scott was in there.

She followed her instinct and got closer to the distillery, but when she finally got there it wasn't fighting she saw.

She found Deucalion—holding Jennifer by the neck, and Scott in front of them. She scanned the entire place and saw Derek lying on the ground in pain.

"Kill her." Deucalion ordered Scott, "Do it."

Aspen quickly moved to hide behind the metal walls, her chest rising up and down from fear and adrenaline. She thought she'd gone unseen, so that maybe if she tried anything, she'd have the element of surprise on her side, that was until another voice spoke up exposing her.

"Looks like the guest of the hour is finally here!" she heard Ace bellow out, "Come on now, sister. No need to hide!"

Aspen let out a shaky breath before emerging from behind the wall, all eyes landing on her as she made her entrance.

"Aspen?" Scott said in shock, "What are you doing here?"

"I figured one last fight together wouldn't hurt," Aspen threw him a smile, "For old time's sake, right?"

"Scotty here tells me you finally cut the bullshit and are coming with!" Ace cut back in.

"I never objected." Aspen spat back with attitude, her eyes fixated on her brother who had quite literally attempted to murder her just a day prior.

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