[ 36 ] oh baby, you have no idea

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song of the chapter — apocalyptic by halestorm

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song of the chapterapocalyptic by halestorm


// Aspen Carter

If someone had asked me where I thought I would be and what I would be doing right now...

Being on the brink of having steamy-sex with my ex boyfriend in his shower would not have been my answer.

Don't ask me what my thought process was that lead us to this position— because I honestly couldn't tell you.

I just remember that look in his eye outside the sheriff station, that look in his eye when he took a short glance at my lips, and seconds later I was sucking his face off in the back of his jeep.

What? I may be sort of heartless now, but please— I'm not blind.

I feel the hot water from the shower cascading down my skin, just adding that extra rush. Stiles is currently stood right in front of me, our skin touching. His hazel eyes are looking into mine with a dark lust I've never quite seen on him before.

Maybe I'm not the only one who changed a little.

And then, without any word of warning, he drops to his knees, spreading my leads apart, and sliding his tongue directly down my clit. An involuntary moan leaves my lips, and I can practically feel his own curl into a cocky smirk.

My hands fly to his wettened locks, needing something to hold onto. He continues to work his tongue inside of me, sending a euphoric bliss throughout my body, and I unconsciously bite my bottom lip to stifle my moans.

"Fucking hell, Stiles," I say breathlessly, his tongue somehow finding its way even deeper inside of me.

I can give him this: I've never had oral sex this good before.

Just when I think he couldn't pleasure me any further, he removes one hand from my hip and thrusts it into me, making me unable to stifle the next moan that leaves my mouth.

The sounds of them are nearly pornographic, and I'm sure they're doing absolute wonders for his ego right now.

He thrusts his fingers into me over and over again, and I can already feel myself start to build to my climax. My hands grip onto his hair firmly, as his fingers succeed to hit my clit with every single thrust.

The steaming water cascading down my flesh is the last feeling on my mind, as he removes his lips from my clit, but his fingers only pick up their pace, making my mouth fall open involuntarily, and my eyes shut in reflex.

"Keep your eyes open," I hear him tell me, and I do exactly as he says, looking down to see him looking at me with hungry lust swirling in his irises.

"Fine," I say while plastering on my best smirk, "whatever you say."

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