[ 75 ] selfless sacrifice

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            IT had now been a week since the break up

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IT had now been a week since the break up. Everyone had found out about Aspen and Stiles' mutual decision to split up, and it was sad that none of them were too surprised by it. Aspen and Stiles weren't the only ones who noticed a shift in their relationship.

So the week had passed—Aspen had still been tugging strings to plan Allison's funeral. Things had been fairly quiet—and they all took a moment to bask in that privilege. They'd been drowned in torment for so long that they'd forgotten what it was just to just simply breathe.

But as they say—don't speak too soon.

Aspen was strolling downstairs one morning to grab a bite to eat—when she noticed a letter by the door. Figuring it might be Melissa's mail, she picked it up and took it over to the counter—when her eyes darted to the recipient of the mail, her heart raced a bit.

It was for her.

But that wasn't the most alarming part about the letter. The scariest part was the stamp in the top right corner—where the letter came from.

Eichen House.

Her blood ran cold as she stared at the front of the letter for a minute. She heard Brunski's speech about how important she and her family were, and how badly they wanted her in their closed unit, so they could perform sick experiments on her. But she got away... didn't she? How did they even know where she lived?

She then hastily ripped the envelope open, her heart racing a mile a minute as her mind span about what could possibly be inside this letter. What scared her the most is how they knew she was here.

She unfolded the piece of paper, revealing a typed out letter, addressed to her. She let out a shaky breath, and began to read.

You can't hide from us. I'm sure you're wondering how we could possibly know where you live—right? Well, in case you haven't realised it yet-- you're chipped. While you were uncosncious in the closed unit—I had my men insert one. Don't try and remove it—it's programmed to activate as an explosive device if it isn't in contact with human flesh.

You either hand yourself over— or your brother. The choice is yours—but we've waited too long to simply give up on you Bellators now.

You, or your brother, Aspen. Clock's ticking.


Aspen felt the blood running through her veins turn cold as she flew her hand up to the back of her neck, trying to feel for where they could have possibly chipped her without her realising. It was useless though—she couldn't remove it. Maybe that was simply a lie to make sure she kept it in—but how could she risk it?

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