[ 21 ] she'd rather break his heart than kill him

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"He just let me go." Melissa explained to Aspen and Scott, "Said it was a 'gesture of goodwill' No other reason."

"There's no way he does anything without a reason." Aspen scoffed, "The man doesn't have a caring bone in his body."

"Well, if that means I should continue to be profoundly terrified, then don't worry about it! I got that covered..." Melissa tried to say light heartedly, as the three of them walked through the hallways.

But Aspen and Scott both picked up the sound of faint footsteps around the corner, making them abruptly pause, as Melissa caught on to what they sensed.

The two teenagers cautiously walked slowly around the corner, both with their guards up.

Until they came face to face with Chris, Allison and Isaac— making them sigh in relief that it was only them.


"So, they're essentially trapped?" Argent asked once Scott had explained the alpha pack's situation.

"Yeah. Right. There's no way of getting them out without turning the power back on." Scott replied.

"But wait, wait, wait— if the power's back on, they're gonna hear the elevator moving, right?" said Isaac, "And they'll be on Jennifer and Derek as soon as it stops."

"We can't get in a fight with them." said Scott.

"You've got us now." Argent countered.

"Scott's right." Aspen sighed, "It's too much to risk, they want her dead, and if she dies, there's nothing we can do for Stiles' dad or Cora."

"I don't even think I know which teacher this is..." said Chris.

"She's-she's the one with the brown hair? She's kind of hot?" Isaac spoke, earning a glare from every single person in the room, "...No, it's ju-just an observation..."

Then an idea sparked in Aspen's mind as she shared a glance with Allison and her reflection of her back in the mirror. Allison caught onto what the Carter girl was thinking as she too looked at her reflection.

"I've got an idea."


After Allison had successfully fooled the twins and Kali into following her out of the building, and Melissa got the power back on, Aspen and Scott were in a rush to find Derek and get everyone out.

But when they saw the elevator from the end of the hall, they found Derek-- alone, without Jennifer, passed out on the floor.

"Derek!" Aspen shrieked, but Scott's eyes were already lingering on something in the ceiling. Aspen followed his eyeline and found a part of the roof missing, and both of them put it together.

Jennifer was gone— which meant Melissa was in trouble.

"Mom..." Scott gasped in panic, and the two of them ran as fast as they could to the staircase which would lead them to the roof.

Aspen could still feel her wound inflicted by her brother healing slowly, but she focussed on helping Melissa more than her own physical pain.

As Scott and Aspen began to run, they heard Stiles catch up with them, screaming at them to stop.

"Scott!" he yelled, "Aspen! Guys wait!"

Scott didn't listen, but Aspen paused for a brief moment, to look over her shoulder and glance at Stiles. He looked more distraught than he did earlier, and she could see it on his face that he had figured it out too.

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