[ 34 ] what the hell are you waiting for?

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"SO..." Aspen spoke as Stiles parked his jeep outside the sheriff station, "What exactly did you tell Papa Stilinski when I left?"

Stiles let out a sigh as the jeep came to a stop, turning to the side to face Aspen.

"Well..." he started, "I sort of had to tell him about your brother being alive—"

"I'm sure that went down beautifully," Aspen interrupted with a chuckle.

"Beleive me, it did." Stiles returned the sarcasm, "And after that, I told him you decided to go away for a while with him, so he shouldn't be too surprised to see that you're back, okay?"

"Fine, fine," Aspen spoke, putting her hands up in a surrender motion, "And as for the whole pretending I have a heart thing... does that mean we...?"

"Yes, it would mean a great deal to me if you could pretend we're— you know, still together..."

Aspen snickered a little bit at the idea, but then, to Stiles' surprise, she shrugged her shoulders, and nodded in agreement.

"Sure," she told him, "I think I can manage that."

Aspen then opened the car door, hopping out of the jeep without so much as a single complaint, leaving Stiles slightly confused—but mostly relieved as he followed her actions by getting out of the jeep as well.

The pair of them walked over to the double doors of the station, taking a brief pause once they were stood right outside of it—practically shoulder to shoulder.

"It's almost like I never left," Aspen sighed, remembering all those times she's waited outside of this very building, more often than not by Stiles' side.

"I strongly disagree," Stiles replied, turning his head to the side to look at her, "But we're gonna pretend that's the case, right?"

"I may be a bitch, but I will always be a woman of my word, Stilinski." Aspen jokingly placed her hand over her chest and scoffed like she was offended.

Her words caused him to pause for a brief moment, his mind drifting off into a memory— a particular thing she once told him.

"Just know I'll never stop loving you."

"Hey!" Aspen snapped her fingers in front of his face impatiently, snapping Stiles out of his reminiscing trance, "Stilinski? Earth to Stiles...?"

"Right," Stiles mumbled, "Uhh— I just, I just hope you mean that."

Aspen's brows furrowed, beginning to grow impatient with whatever this was that was going on with him, and why he had just frozen silent for a good five seconds.

"Mean what?" she asked, confused.

"That you're a woman of your word, Carter." Stiles answered in a more light-hearted, teasing tone this time.

Aspen chuckled lightly, rolling her eyes a little before giving Stiles an encouraging pat on the back, pushing him to step forward into the sheriff station, making him laugh a bit too— which was odd for them; to be sharing a light hearted moment as simple as that.

"Come on," Aspen said, "I don't have time for these melodramatics of yours— you dragged me out here, the least you can do is not make me freeze out here."


"Hey, Dad?" Stiles spoke across the room as he and Aspen entered the sheriff's office, while Noah appeared to be hidden behind the desk out of sight.

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