[ 35 ] i missed you

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song of the chapter — need to change by landon tewers (I highly recommend listening to it)

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song of the chapterneed to change by landon tewers
(I highly recommend listening to it)

// Stiles Stilinski

If someone had asked me where I thought I would be and what I would be doing tonight...

Making out with my heartless-as-ever ex girlfriend in the back of my jeep would definitely not have been my answer.

Now, hear me out, I do actually know what I'm doing here. Granted, kissing her wasn't the original plan, that didn't mean it couldn't work.

Kissing— whether she or anyone else admits it or not— is an emotional act between two people who have to have some sort of feeling towards each-other. And yes, that feeling could be hate just as much as it could be love.

But hey— don't they say there's a fine line between the two?

But the fact that she was even kissing me in the first place proved that there was still a heart somewhere inside her new lifeless exterior.

And above all that— in that very second, the second I saw her emerald green eyes flicker to my lips, I knew I was a goner.

And that takes us to here— in the backseat of my Jeep, parked outside my house, with Aspen straddling my lap as she leaves kisses down my neck.

"You know..." I spoke up between hitched breaths, "For someone who insists they don't care about me anymore... you sure do have a funny way of showing it."

Just as the sarcastic words fell from my lips, hers suddenly stopped trailing down my neck, and she leant back, placing both her hands on my shoulders, giving me a daring look.

"What can I say?" she said teasingly, "I meant it when I said I've really missed you..."

Ah. So when she said she missed me... she meant she missed my—

"I mean, the others just... haven't been the same, you know?"


Aspen had hooked up with other guys while she'd been away... good to know.

"Shut the hell up and kiss me," I told her, the inevitable jealousy already kicking in.

She let out that devious snicker of hers before doing as I said and reconnecting her mouth with mine.

Our lips moved together more rapidly, more passionately— like it had all been building up over the past couple months and we were both letting it all go in this spontaneous embrace. Her lips felt the same yet so different in a way I can't describe.

When our lips parted yet again to catch our breaths, my eyes met her devious ones— enough to tell me where she wanted this to lead— and I wouldn't be strong enough to turn it down either.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now