[ 72 ] the divine move

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SCOTT had called Aspen and filled her in on the plan of saving Stiles

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SCOTT had called Aspen and filled her in on the plan of saving Stiles. She had to be there for that—Stiles' life was at stake. She passed on her responsibility of Allison's silver arrows to Isaac, while she rushed to the school to find Scott, Stiles and Kira.

When Aspen's eyes laid on the pale, hazel-eyed boy—it caused more pain to her heart. He was in a similar state to her—fragile, limp, filled with alarming fatigue. She'd been putting all of her worry into Allison—which she didn't regret—but she wished she'd kept a closer eye on the boy who meant everything to her. The two of them had hardly spoken or interacted since they've been themselves again. Maybe there was a reason for that.

From the sight of him like this—Aspen ran towards him with all the energy she had left. Stiles' lips curled into the purest of smiles when his eyes set on her—okay and alive. Well—she'd definitely been better—but for right now, they were both alive. Some people weren't granted with such mercy—so they held onto it tight like they did each other.

"Thank god you're okay—" Stiles sighed shakily with relief as his hands wrapped around her back, his hands intertwining with her hair. They clung to each other, and in that moment—they never ever wanted to let go. They wished they could just stay like that forever—in each other's arms.

"This is gonna work..." Aspen whispered hastily as they prolonged their hold on each other, "I promise—Stiles— you're getting out of this..."

And then she slowly pulled back from the hug, her face resting inches away from his as their eyes bore into each other's, as she added,

"We both are."

She then planted her onto his, savouring the moment, wishing she could store it in a bottle so she could revisit it forever. She'd missed the touch of his lips, the feeling of being in his hold.

The feeling of being them.

Growing more aware of the ticking clock on the plan, Aspen and Stiles turned to face Kira and Scott, seeing the apprehensive looks on both of their faces.

"I know what you're thinking—" Stiles said, facing Scott and Kira, "if this works, it might kill me, too." at this, Aspen's brows furrowed in fear, "But even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan, okay?"

"The plan is to save you, Stiles." Scott replied, not entertaining the idea of Stiles not surviving this, "that's the plan we're going with."

After they all exchanged worrisome and hasty looks, Scott reached for the door and pushed it open. The four teenagers braced themselves for the worst—having no idea what would be waiting for them on the other side of it.

But what they didn't expect was to be engulfed in snow and chills. Everyone's brows furrowed as they looked around, definitely not in the school. The ground was set in snow, along with everything else.

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