[ 22 ] reason to stay

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"So that's why everything with you has been off lately?" Scott said solemnly once Aspen explained everything to him, "Because he's threatening Stiles?"

"To sum it all up, yeah." Aspen sighed defeatedly, "I mean, I'd do quite literally anything to keep him safe."

"I know you would." said Scott, "He'd do the same for you, you know?"

Aspen went still as her eyes fixated on the floor, making Scott grow confused by her lack of response.

"Hey," Scott spoke up again, "He would."

"I know." Aspen replied this time, her voice hoarse and quiet.

"I understand why you think it's best to leave," said Scott, "I guess I'd do the same if he was threatening any of you guys."

"So you see that there's not exactly much of a choice here for me?"

Scott nodded weakly as he clasped his hands together in his lap, reluctantly realising that Aspen leaving made more sense than he wanted to admit.

"But Beacon Hills is your home," he tried to argue, "It's— it's not gonna be right here without you."

"Well I'm not leaving just yet." she tried to force a weak smile.

The teenager's conversation was cut short as Deucalion approached them.

"No, you're not." Deucalion agreed with Aspen's sentence, making her lift her head up and look at the man who was single handedly destroying her life.

"Listen, sweetheart—"

"Don't call me that."

"Aspen...." he corrected himself, "Listen, the more I think about it, I don't really need your help in finding Jennifer."

Aspen and Scott's expressions contorted in confusion, wondering where exactly he was going with this.

"Eventually, and by that, I mean fairly soon, you will be leaving with us— but you already know that." he continued, making Aspen's face fall again, "But..."

Aspen locked eyes with Scott as they waited for the man to finish his sentence.

"Contrary to what you might believe, I'm not heartless." Deucalion spoke, making Aspen scoff.

"Really? Could've fooled me."

"Would you let me finish?" Deucalion sighed at her attitude as Aspen just shrugged for him to continue, "I'm not heartless. I don't expect you to leave here without truly saying goodbye. So, here's a deal. Scott here sticks with me to help me find Jennifer, and you can go rush back to your boyfriend and say goodbye for real, because soon enough—we will be leaving for good."

Aspen's eyes widened at what she was hearing— Deucalion showing any ounce of care being foreign to her. She looked at Scott who looked just as confused as she did.

"I'm not leaving Scott here with you." she quickly rebuttled.

"Aspen don't." said Scott.


"Don't put someone else above yourself again, please." Scott practically begged, "You have a chance to see him again before.... you know..."

"But I can't leave you—"

"Yes you can, I'll be fine." Scott reassured her, "I'll help him find Jennifer, get my mom and Stiles' dad back, while you go and... see him again."

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now