[ 73 ] agnes epeler

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Everyone's heads snapped up to the door of the animal clinic as the woman they were all waiting on made herself present. After Stiles had returned home safe, and sans a nogitsune possessing his soul—Aspen picked up the phone number Allison had left for her and decided to give it a call. A woman on the other end picked up—and as soon as Aspen introduced herself—using her real name—she had captured the woman's attention. Bellator was a name that carried weight in the supernatural world—anybody a part of it understood it's importance. Aspen explained that she needed help—she had the spell, she just needed a witch to do it.

Her name was Agnes Epeler. Aspen wasn't quite sure how Allison had found her—but she was glad she had. Even in her final day on this earth—Allison's every move was to save Aspen's life. Including her dying breath.

"That would be me," Aspen said nervously, leaning off of the wall, raising a timid hand as the red-head woman walked in.

Everyone was here. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek—and Ace.

Ace, along with the rest of the town—had healed after Void was killed. He reunited with his sister, to which consisted of her splurting out many apologies to which he didn't deem necessary to hear or accept. He knew it wasn't her fault. Everyone seemed to know that except her.

"I'm gonna..." Agnes said aprehensively, "need to see this spell..."

Aspen nodded nervously and walked over to one of the metal tables, which had the old, aged book that Chris had given to her as sort of a parting gift.

He and Isaac left for Paris—not able to stay around in Beacon Hills after what happened to Allison. The two of them were hesitant to leave—but when they expressed the idea to Aspen, she insisted that they go. She'd hate to stand in anybody's way of getting out of this retched town. She was genuinely happy for them that they got out.

The brunette picked up the dusty book, which she already had opened to the right page. The title of the spell was 'binding spirits'. She took a guess and figured it was the right one.

"Uh—here," she handed the book to the older red-head woman. She stood nervously as Agnes took it out of her hands and inspected the words on the page. Aspen felt awkward—she had dragged this woman all the way from New Orleans to help a teenage girl she'd never met. Aspen didn't seem to realise what her last name meant.

Everyone else in the room stood or sat impatiently, all of their minds spinning while they all hoped for the best. It was safe to say none of them had ever messed around with witchcraft. They didn't know what the odds of success were, or the consequences if it failed. But they were at a loss—they were able to kill Void Stiles because Stiles wasn't a werewolf. The shugenda scroll told them to change the host—which was possible.

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