[ 69 ] 'til the end

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            THE wait for nightfall was agonising for everyone

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            THE wait for nightfall was agonising for everyone. Everyone was worrying about Lydia, as no one had been able to find her during the day. Everybody was just counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds— until nightfall.

Stiles and Isaac had managed to get some not-so-helpful information about of Meredith Walker— that Lydia didn't want to be found. If only they'd shared that information with Aspen—she could've remembered the terrifying vision she had of when they all went to save Lydia— only for the strawberry blonde to tell Aspen she wasn't supposed to be there.

Allison had been preparing arrows— a lead she decided to follow when her mind sparked with something that might work against the Oni.

Scott had been forced to listen to his dead-beat dad tell him a bunch of excuses for why he left-- even trying to manipulatively blame the fact he had been a distant father on Melissa's shoulders. Scott had snapped, gave his father a piece of his mind, before leaving to rejoin Isaac and Stiles.

Meanwhile—Aspen stood shakily and nervous outside the Argent apartment door, her fist held in the air, hesitating to knock. She let out a shaky sigh, finally deciding to do it. She knocked her fist on the wooden door a couple times, and then waited.

She was here to talk to Allison—as in, really talk to her. It had been what felt like forever since they had spoken truly, since Aspen hadn't been herself for so long.

She didn't know what the plan was here, what she was going to say—she just missed Allison so much. And she didn't want to let her go ever again.

A few moments later, the door swung open. On the other side of it-- Aspen wasn't met with the gaze of Allison—but rather, her father—Chris. The two stood in a weird silence for a few seconds, the last time they had seen each other being the time Chris had a gun pointed at her head.

Gulping nervously, Aspen waved, "Hi..."

Chris smiled weakly, then nodded his head towards inside, signalling for her to come in. Aspen returned the weak smile, slowly stepping into the apartment.

"Allison's down stairs, I'll call her up here." Chris said to Aspen as he walked towards a door.

"Or I could just go down there—" Aspen suggested,

"You don't wanna go down there." Chris laughed softly, when Aspen furrowed her brows, he elaborated, "Lots of—uh... lethal weapons to—your... kind..."

Aspen raised her eyebrows and let out a soft humorous laugh, nodding her head in acknowledgement. She figured that made sense—a family of werewolf hunters were bound to have werewolf-lethal weapons.

"What happened to your new code?" Aspen said lightheartedly with a quiet laugh, keeping her brows raised at Chris.

"What, we protect those who cannot protect themselves?" said Chris, and Aspen simply nodded in confirmation,

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