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                         "ALLISON, please tell me that you have something

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                         "ALLISON, please tell me that you have something." Scott said into his phone as the oni threatened to pass the barrier of his house, "They're here. They're trying to get in, and it looks like they're gonna be able to do it."

"Okay, okay, listen." Allison began, "They're Japanese demons. They're called the Oni. They're looking for the people who are possessed—people with the dark spirits attached to them."

"People?" Scott repeated in a concerned voice, "As in— plural?"

"Yes," Allison said abrasively, "One of them is more powerful than the other, the other is like... like it's helper. They're called nogitsunes."

"And there's two of them?"

From Allison's end of the call, she hesitated for a moment, and Scott was quick to pick up on it.

"Allison?" he pressed, "What is it? You know something else, don't you?"

"Scott..." Allison spoke through the phone, her voice filled with dread.

"Allison what is it? What aren't you telling me?"

Another moment of silence fell through the line, before Allison let out a defeated sigh, and answered,

"We think we know who one of them is..."

Scott's face fell, knowing he had his own suspicions but he wasn't quite ready to hear it out loud just yet.

Luckily, the universe had granted him with a chance to avoid the revelation just a little while longer, as the Oni got dangerously close to breaking in, and he had to switch his priorities on finding out how to get rid of them.

"Just... just tell me what you know about how to get rid of them," Scott asked Allison in a hasty voice, it not going unnoticed by the Argent girl how he was avoiding her previous statement— and she didn't blame him for it either.

"Okay. They won't hurt you." Allison said, "They know you're supernatural, but once they do this check, once they realise you're not carrying with you this dark spirit, then they won't hurt you. I promise. All they're looking for is the Nogitsunes, and Scott—it can't be you. Katashi said something about not being able to be a fox and a wolf at the same time— even if you're a true alpha."

Scott briefly thanked Allison for the help, and hung up the phone, shoving it back into his pocket as he rejoined everyone in the living room.

Kira was the first to approach him, a look of fear and nervousness all over her face.

"I'm right, aren't I?" she said hastily, "They're looking for me?"

"They're looking for a dark spirit." Scott replied, trying desperately not to think of the one culprit he had on his mind, "And I know it's not you."

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now