[ part I epilogue ! ]

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Scott and Derek defeated Deucalion— their entire pack, besides him and Ace, were dead now. Deucalion took their threat seriously, and had full intent of leaving this town and not messing with anyone in it ever again.

So why was it that Aspen was still so intent on leaving?

Well— there's the bullshit excuse she fed Scott before she left once again, that she still didn't trust Deucalion and Ace not to harm Stiles. And while part of her still believed that, there were more powering factors as to why she was here right now— walking through the Beacon Hills preserve, following after her brother and father without putting up a fight.

That moment she saw the life leave Jennifer's eyes, Aspen truly felt powerful. The guilt she was sure she was going to feel never came.

She wanted to feel that sort of power again.

She still felt empty and soulless by leaving Beacon Hills—leaving Stiles, Scott and Allison—her real family. She was going to miss the hell out of them all, but she also told herself that she was going to see them again.

As she walked through the preserve on the way to the roads, following her father to some car he had stolen to make their getaway from Beacon Hills, she abruptly fell to a stop, feeling the leaves beneath her Doc Martens crunch.

She was walking far enough behind the other two that they didn't notice her abrupt hault. The weirdest part was that she didn't stop walking intentionally—

It was like something just came over her.

Suddenly she felt like this cloud of darkness was surrounding her, and as much as she tried to make a step forward, her body physically refused to move. She began to grow panicked as she didn't have a clue what was happening to her.

The immense darkness growing around her began to feel stronger, but she couldn't for the life of her decipher what the hell was happening. It wasn't a physical feeling— besides the fact her body was temporarily unable to move.

And then— it was like something clicked.

Her legs could move again, and that swarm of darkness she was just feeling was gone.

But now, she felt different.

That sadness and sorrow that overwhelmed her about leaving everyone behind was no longer there.

She felt nothing— but free at the same time.

The weirdest part is that one feeling that she'd grown so accustomed to, something that she could've sworn was engraved into her DNA, was gone as well.

She wasn't worried about Stiles Stilinski anymore.

That entire emotion was her whole drive for getting out of Beacon Hills, but now she felt nothing.

Nothing at all.

The only thought in her unclouded mind now, was she knew what she wanted.

She wanted to experience that feeling she got when she took Jennifer's life again.

She wanted to kill again.

She wanted to create chaos everywhere she went, she wanted to cause strife to anyone in her path— and she wanted to inflict pain at any chance she got.

A devilish smirk that was so foreign to her lips crept up on her face, as she began walking again, feeling this sudden rush all through out her body. She picked up her pace to catch up with her brother and father, able to wipe the evil look on her face in order to not raise weird suspicions from them.

When she finally did catch up, Ace spared a glance at her, and chuckled to himself.

"Don't be too sad, little sister." Ace sighed, wrapping a broad arm around her neck and bringing her in for a kid-like embrace, "Who knows, maybe some day, we'll come back."

Aspen faced away from him as she took one final look at the town from the border of it, really taking it in as the sinful smirk rose back onto her lips.

And in that moment, her mind was crystal clear— with one overpowering thought:

Beacon Hills had not seen the last of Aspen Carter just yet.


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