[ 66 ] inside the minds

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this is  another 6.3k words chapter so buckle upppp

song of the chapter—my imagination by Tylt


Scott and Lydia woke up with their arms and ankles chained down to beds. Neither of them quite recognised the place, having never been there—but as they were inside of Stiles' head—this was the room Stiles was in while he stayed here, with his roommate Oliver.

They both tugged at the restraints, unable to break free. Until they then tilted their heads on their side to look at each other, and then Lydia spoke, "Do you actually need me to remind you that you're a Werewolf?"

"We're in Stiles' head—" Scott pointed out, thinking things might be different here.

"And you're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength!" Lydia interrupted him, "Break free!"

Focussing on trying to use his strength, Scott closed his eyes as he flexed his arms, until finally—he heard the shackles click as he was able to snap them off his body. He then quickly got out of the restraints over his ankles, and then went over to Lydia to help her with her own.

"What now?" Scott asked Lydia as if she had all the answers of what to do.

"I don't know." Lydia shrugged, "This is my first time in someone else's head."

"Just... stay behind me." Scott said to her protectively, as they both slowly made their way to the door of the cell-like room.

He held his hand out in front of her frame, keeping her behind him as he cautiously opened the door. But just as Lydia was about to follow him—the door closed on her.

"Scott?" she panicked, banging on the door,



Unlike Scott and Lydia, Allison and Ace did not wake up with their arms and legs tied down to beds in and Eichen House room. Instead, they woke up in normal beds—in separate rooms, with no restraints.

When Ace's eyes shot open, he immediately recognised where he was. The sight of the room made his blood run cold, as the hairs on his arms shot up from the chills. He shot up from the bed in an instant, looking around and taking it all in. The blue walls, the heavy-metal posters sprawled out everywhere.

This was his old bedroom. In his old house. In his old life.

"What the hell..." he muttered to himself as he stood up from the bed. He looked around, in search for any clues or anything that would make sense as to why Aspen's mind took him here of all places. He hadn't been in this room in over six years. It was surreal seeing it all again, even if it was just a figment of his sister's imagination. It looked the same as it always did.

He walked over to the dresser, seeing lots of his old junk on top of it. The room looked exactly like it had when he left it for the very last time, without realising it.

He glanced down at all of his pointless junk on the surface of the dresser, his hand absentmindedly made his way across it, as he even swallowed a lump in his throat from the familliar atmosphere.

On the end of the dresser, were two pieces of paper that caught his attention. He slowly picked them up with his hands, placing them side by side. When he saw what they were, he pursed his lips and couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt run through him.

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