[ 40 ] brotherly concern

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"IT'S BEEN NEARLY A WEEK, DAD!" Ace yelled in frustration and anger (and maybe even a hint of worry), "There's no way in hell she's coming back—for fuck's sake, we don't even have a damn clue where she is!"

Well— that last part wasn't entirely true. Ace had a pretty good idea where his sister had vanished off to, it didn't exactly take a genius to figure it out. The only thing was his mind was completely going down the wrong path when it came to figuring out why she had disappeared there.

"I told you we shouldn't have decided to give her so much freedom," Deucalion muttered from where he sat, keeping his calm much better than his son was.

"I thought—" Ace said hesitantly, "I thought she was growing... I don't know— accustomed to this. How was I supposed to know she's run off?"

"Because it's her!" Deucalion raised his voice a bit more, "We were both utterly foolish to think she wouldn't run back to that human boy of hers at the first chance she got!"

Little did they know that Aspen's return to Beacon Hills had nothing to do with the human—Stiles Stilinski— but for something so much darker.

Ace shook his head as he paced up and down the apartment, rubbing his chin with his fingers in thought.

"Dad I'm telling you— " said Ace, "She was... different. I don't know what it was, but it was like the second we left Beacon Hills, she changed. I mean— we've both seen it! We've both seen her kill, the old her would never have done that."

"So— what?" said Deucalion, "You think she left for some reason not to do with that besotted-human-love of hers?"

Ace hesitated to answer, his eyes fixated on the ground with his chin in his hands. He'd noticed the changes in his little sister, everyone had after all, it would take an idiot to miss it. But he just figured it was to do with her coming to terms with her identity, her bloodline, her legacy.

But after her sudden disappearance, he wasn't so sure anymore.

"I think maybe we should be focussing on how she left, not why." Ace finally answered, "Werewolf or not, she definitely didn't cross-country the treck across multiple states, did she?"

"And she didn't bother to steal the car, either." Deucalion replied matter-of-factly.

Ace slowly approached the window to the apartment— that overlooked the view of the New Orleans square. He folded his arms over his chest as he gazed down at the town beneath him while his mind spun in thought.

"Maybe she had help?" he finally spoke up again, keeping his gaze out of the window instead of turning around to his father.

"If you're so concerned, perhaps you should run off looking for her." Deucalion said unamusingly, finally causing Ace to spin around and stare at his father with furrowed brows.

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