[ 8 ] family business

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ISAAC had graciously insisted on taking all of the blame for the false incident with Ethan in the hallway, relieving Aspen of her detention. It wasn't too hard, considering Harris could be very mysogenistic in the sense he wouldn't even believe that Aspen could've inflicted that much damage on a boy like Ethan.

So Stiles and Aspen were currently sat outside of the principal's office, where a very distraught Ashley walked out of. Aspen gave a sympathetic glance, as she was instructed to wait out there with them.

"Um, hi, Ashley." Stiles suddenly got up from the bench, surprising Aspen, as she didn't know what he was about to say to her. "Hi. Can we talk to you for just one sec?"

Aspen furrowed her brows as she got up from where she sat, walking over to where Ashely and Stiles stood in the quiet hallway.

"Sorry, I just need to ask you something really quick, and it's gonna sound really unbelievably insensitive, so I apologize in advance... Um..."

Aspen got more and ore worried of what the hell her boyfriend was about to ask the blonde.

"Was Kyle a virgin?"

"What?" Ashley asked.

"Stiles, for the love of God, you can't just ask people that..." Aspen scolded him with a whisper, whilst giving Ashley an apologetic look on his behalf.

"Your boyfriend-" Stiles continued anyway, "was he a virgin, or did you guys... You know what I mean..."

Ashley cut him off by giving him a slap to the face.

Aspen was taken aback by the sudden outburst, but at the same time, she kinda understood why she did it. Tara, one of the cops, tried to take her away, but the blonde turned around once more before being escorted out.

"No, he wasn't a virgin."

Aspen and Stiles exchanged a confused and worrisome glance, as they were both suspecting the virgins being human sacrifices, but this didn't fit in with it anymore.

"Have you completely lost your mind?" Sheriff Stilinski scolded his son as he walked out of the office, "I've got four murders, Stiles. You see those men in there? That's the FBI- they're pulling together a task force to help, because it looks like we've got a full-blown serial killer on our hands. You get that?"

"Yes, Dad. I get that." Stiles said to his dad defeatedly.

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to find a pattern."


Back at the Hale loft, Ace had gotten out of his steel seat where he was sitting idly by, watching Derek suffer with a smirk on his lips, to now actually continuing to impale the metal pole even harsher, to the point where Derek was bleeding out his mouth.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now