[ 1 ] tattoo

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                "WHY the hell do you want this tattoo, Scott?" Stiles scoffed as the trio drove to a tattoo parlour Scott had found online.

Aspen was sat in the backseat, with her face wedged between the driver and passenger seats, flicking her head between the two boys as they bickered over this.

"I told you, I've always wanted one." Scott countered, placing back at the brunette in the back seat.

"I think tattoos are cool." Aspen shrugged, seeming to be taking Scott's side over her boyfriend's.

As the jeep came to a halt, parking on the side of a road, Aspen immediately recognised her surroundings.

This was the same tattoo parlour she came to last year with Jackson.

"This is the place?" she asked with raised brows, practically begging for a sarcastic remark.

"No, we just parked outside a shop that says tattoo in neon lighting for the fun of it, Asp." Stiles said sarcastically to the Carter girl, getting out of the car.

Scott opened the passenger door, hopping out of the vehicle, as Aspen braced herself for the scene that was probably about to happen.

Despite all their intimate moments over the summer, Stiles never once picked up on the minuscule ink design on her upper arm.

She knew she got it done small, but she really figured he would've seen it by now.

The trio waltzed on into the parlour, and the tattoo artist greeted them as the bell above the door rang. The small tattoo shop was empty before the three walked in.

As Aspen looked at the man, she immediately noticed it was indeed the same one who did her tattoo last year.

"You here for another one, lady?" the bearded man asked, and as she expected,

Stiles' jaw hit the floor.

She smiled almost smugly as she watched Stiles' brows knit together in complete dumbfoundedness, as he rested his open jaw in his hand.

Scott looked surprised, but his reaction was nowhere near as comical as Stiles'.

"You got a tattoo?!" Stiles practically shrieked, and Aspen just pursed her lips together and nodded in response. "Without telling anyone?"

"I got it last year." she shrugged casually, strolling over to sit down in a leather arm chair.

"Can we see it?" Scott asked, being a lot more casual and calm about the revelation of her tattoo.

Aspen nodded, rolling up the sleeves of her dark-green flannel shirt, all the way up to her shoulder so the minuscule lion design was visible.

Stiles practically ran over, even though it was a tiny room. The two boys inspected it close-up as Aspen just rolled her eyes as she looked at the tattoo artist who was chuckling at the scene.

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