[ 4 ] dead giveaway

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               "YOU say she bolted without saying anything?" said Derek, as the four teenagers, Scott, Stiles, Allison and Lydia met up with him at the school, figuring they needed his help.

"She was sort of acting off all night..." said Scott, "We just added it up to her not wanting to go to the party, but I think there was something else to it."

"She looked seriously distressed." Allison said while biting her finger nails nervously.

Stiles had been silent the whole time, feeling like his entire world had just slipped between the cracks.

Because that's was Aspen was to him. His world.

"Derek, the alpha from the hospital asked about her." Scott told the Hale werewolf who's jaw was clenched in worry and anger.

"What did he want with her?" Derek asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

"He didn't tell me." Scott furrowed his brows, "why do you barely seem fazed by any of this?"

"Are you sure she didn't just run home because she was upset or something?" Derek deflected, trying to convince himself that what he was thinking was not actually happening.

"Derek!" Stiles snapped, standing up from his chair, startling everyone with his yell. "For God's sake! You know exactly what's happening to her, don't you?!"

Stiles paced over towards the Hale man, yelling in his face, taking out all of his anger on him.

"No— I don't."

"Yes, you do!"

"Listen to me," Derek spoke, "Did anything happen at that party that would make her just want to run away like that? Hmm?"

As much as Stiles wanted to screw some more in his face, his mind started to wander to what happened earlier that night.


"Heather, I'm flattered- really, but I have a girlfriend." he said, as the handsy blonde hinted at him to sleep with her.

"girlfriend?" Heather repeated, "really?"

"Yes, really." Stiles said firmly, "Aspen, she's my girlfriend- and I love her, and- you know? I should probably go find her-"

"She doesn't have to know..."

"Heather, I'm not cheating on Aspen."

The blonde finally took her hands off him, and dropped the flirty behaviour, scoffing and rolling her eyes.

"Looks like Little Miss Perfect got her happy ending after all." Heather scoffed, "But you should know she doesn't deserve you."

"Shut the hell up, alright?" Stiles said irritably, defending his girlfriend' honour. Without another word, Stiles stormed out of the wine cellar, in desperate need to find his girlfriend and leave this party.

He ran up the stairs, leaving a very unimpressed Heather behind, and slammed the door open and shut, finding himself back at the scene of the party.

He scanned the room in search of Scott and Aspen, but he didn't find either of them. He searched the kitchen, the living room, he even went banging on bathroom doors.

But they weren't here anymore.

Stiles paced for the front door, still steaming with rage over Heather disrespecting the girl he loved. But as he opened the door, he found Scott, with Allison and Lydia, and they were all pacing, looking worked up and stress.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now