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    NUMBNESS was all she could feel

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    NUMBNESS was all she could feel. She expected to feel some agonising pain, or to feel like her heart had just been ripped out of her chest. But she simply felt numb. There was an empty feeling deep inside of her mind and soul— the part of her that had died along side Allison Argent.

As she sat in the Sheriff's office that night, the questions being fired at her were blaring into loud ringing— as her eyes focussed on a random floorboard, hardly even blinking.

She'd seen people die before. She'd lost people close to her before. Her adoptive parents, Peter Hale— even Jackson Whittemore (though he survived.)

She wasn't a stranger to death— she was practically a beacon for it.

But she'd never experienced a loss quite like this one— where she felt like a piece of her had been carved out and crumbled in front of her.

"Aspen?" she heard the faint voice of Deputy Parrish over the loud ringing in her ears, "Aspen— can you remember anything else?"

"Aspen— listen to me!" Chris tried to snap the brunette out of her frozen trance, his hands on her shoulders trying to shake her into her senses.

"Look at me—" Chris continued, and when Aspen finally blinked and her eyes landed on Allison's father, he told her, "You have to remember you called me first, okay? Say it— you called me dad first."

Aspen's blood felt cold, she could hardly get her body to listen to her mind after what she'd just seen, she had no idea how her father was keeping it together.

"I— I called you first..." Aspen whispered shakily.

"No— not 'you'— say you called her dad first, or Chris— or Argent."

"I-I called her dad first..." Aspen recited in a hasty voice.

"What else?" Chris pressed, "What happened?"

"T-there..." Aspen stuttered, "there were t-two of them... they tried to steal our car— and they were... they were wearing masks... one of th-them had a knife..."

"You think they had a knife," Chris corrected her, "don't get specific. You saw something sharp and metallic— you think it was a knife. What do you always repeat if you get confused?"

With tears still running down her cheeks as her sobs came out silenced, Aspen replied,

"It happened so fast..."

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now