[ 17 ] you trynna kill me, argent?

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            ALLISON failed to show up to school the next morning; therefore peaking worry from everyone else, especially Aspen.

The two of them hadn't been as close as they were last year these days, what with all the human sacrifices and life threats, but Aspen was determined to change that.

She was able to climb up to Allison's window, her strength and agility being a lot better since her supernatural side kicked in.

She reached the Argent girl's window, rustling a few trees and branches in the process. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, keeping it away from her face as she was about to open the french doors revealing Allison's bedroom.

But before she could knock on it, the two doors were pulled open-- and Aspen was dragged in with force. Second's later, she found her back pressed to the wall, looking down to see a Japanese ring dagger inches from her throat.

"You trynna kill me, Argent?" Aspen teased, her eyes meeting those of her best friend.

Allison let out a chuckle in relief as she noticed it was just Aspen and not a dangerous intruder. She stepped back, lowering the weapon in her hand to her side.

"Ever heard of knocking?"

"I didn't exactly get the chance," Aspen sassed, "You know, before you went all huntress on me."

"I meant knocking on a door, smartass." Allison joked, placing the dagger on her bed.

"Doors are for boring people, you taught me that." Aspen shrugged, moving away from the wall to perch herself on Allison's bed.

"What're you doing here?" Allison asked, tilting her head at the brunette.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Aspen countered, "You're the one ditching school."

"I'm investigating." Allison answered.

"That's Stiles' job, no offence." said Aspen, her stomach getting a foreign feeling as she spoke his name.

It was like butterflies, but not the same. More nervous, less happy.

"Speaking of which," said Allison, "How are the two of you? I feel like we've barely talked since the motel, and you guys weren't in... a great place, then."

"We're good," Aspen spoke, a hint of a smile creeping up on her lips, "We actually..."

"Actually... what?" Allison pressed as Aspen didn't finish her sentence.

"We... had sex." said the Carter girl, her cheeks blushing a bit as she said it.

Allison's jaw fell a little bit, but not exactly out of shock. More like she was just happy for her.

"Oh my God!" the Argent girl shrieked, "Finally!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Aspen tried to shrug it off like it was no big thing.

"Don't whatever me!" Allison said, a grin still on her face, "You lost your V-Card, that's huge!"

"You did not just call it that." Aspen groaned, shoving her face into one of Allison's pillows.

"Was it good?"

"Yeah," Aspen answered shortly.

"How did it happen?"

"You know, last time I checked, I didn't pry this much about your sex life with Scott!"

"That's a you problem, you could've asked." Allison shrugged, wanting to pry for more gossipy details.

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