[ 16 ] the time is right

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                      ASPEN ALWAYS BELIEVED IN KARMA; she was a strong believer in the idea that if you do good things with the life you're given, that the universe will reward you

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                      ASPEN ALWAYS BELIEVED IN KARMA; she was a strong believer in the idea that if you do good things with the life you're given, that the universe will reward you. And if your soul becomes blackened and corrupted with the actions and choices you make, that it will always come back to bite you.

But Aspen was a good person. She'd never done anything in her life that was deliberately done to harm somebody else, she wished the best upon everyone— and she saw the good in them too.

So why was she the one that was stuck with such a painful fait? There was no winning here. Here she laid on her bed, cradled gently in the arms of the boy she's loved her whole life, knowing that there's no way it can possibly last.

"You didn't kill your mother, Asp." Stiles said softly to her, "And screw nature for making it look that way."

"I know..." she whispered back, but not completely convinced of her words, "I just— I wish I had like... one family member that was alive and not completely evil."

"Your family doesn't define you, though." Stiles replied, "You define yourself."

"Woah, you should write a book." She chuckled at his meaningful words.

He laughed too, planting a kiss on her forehead as he traced his fingers up and down her arm.

"I love you so much, you know that?" Stiles' soft voice filled the room.

Aspen nodded lightly, a small smile creeping on her lips. Hearing Stiles say he loves her will never not make her smile.

"I do." she spoke softly, "And no matter what happens, I'll never stop loving you."

"Don't talk like that." Stiles was quick to say, his fingers delicately tracing up and down her arm.

"Sorry," said Aspen, "I just... want you to know that, that's all."

Following an impulse, Aspen adjusted her position so that she was now facing Stiles, her arms wrapped around his neck. She pressed her delicate lips onto his, pouring all the love and passion she held for him into their embrace.

His hands found themselves entangled in her brown locks, continuing to deepen their kiss.

Their kiss was like opening up their souls to one another, tasting feeling and seeing every colour of the rainbow in their own sensual way, almost like catching a smile in a bottle, it's softness, its sweetness. Breathing in each other like a cool inhalation of oxygen to warm their hearts. Like nothing in the world exists but them. This feeling like they're levitating off the ground floating in the air, and what they were feeling cannot be put into words, nor has there get been any part of speech or figure of speech invented to describe it.

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