[ 13 ] electrocuted

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                      "I was really starting to think you'd already forgotten about me

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                      "I was really starting to think you'd already forgotten about me." Jackson spoke through the phone once Aspen had finally gotten around to calling him.

"Course not." Aspen said with a faint smile with her phone up to her ear, "Things have just been... a little hectic— I guess."

"In what way?" Jackson's inquiry came through the other line.

Aspen pursed her lips, contemplating filing in her long-distance best friend about everything going on in Beacon Hills at the moment.

"Asp?" Jackson spoke again, "You promised you'd keep me filled in, remember?"

"Right," Aspen sighed, brushing her hair off her face, "Well, to put it shortly— people are being ritually sacrificed..."

Jackson actually chuckled through the phone, figuring the Carter girl was messing with him.

"I'm being deadly serious." she added, making his laughter come to a halt, "I mean we're talking head-bashed in, strangled type of sacrifices."

"Holy— " Jackson sighed, cutting himself off, "Guess I got out of that town just in time then, huh?"

"Yeah..." Aspen said defeatedly, "But you know, aside from that— I'm great."

She didn't want to fill him in about the alpha pack—because then it would be harder to hide her own secret. She didn't want to burden Jackson with her problems that he wouldn't be able to do anything about all the way from England.

"How's the boyfriend?" she could hear the teasing in her voice, and while that sentence would usually make her grin shamelessly— it only dampened her mood this time.

"Stiles is good." she said vaguely.

"I meant— how are the two of you?" Jackson pressed, "He hasn't broken your heart, right?"

"No, course not." Aspen said with a weakened smile across her lips, "We're.... were fine. We're perfect— even."

Jackson didn't pick up on the uncertainty in her voice— seeing as she was pretty good at disguising her own issues, especially through a phone call.

"Well," Jackson sighed, "London's been great, can't say I've met Harry Styles yet, though."

His joke was enough to make Aspen laugh a little, something she appreciated more than he would understand.

"I've enrolled at some prestigious prep-school," Jackson continued— keeping up his end of their deal by filling each other in on their lives without each other, "You would hate it."

"Oh yeah?" Aspen spoke, "How come?"

"For starters," the Whittemore boy said, "there's no hyperactive buzzcut spaz running around the place."

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