[ 41 ] devil's night

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YESTERDAY consisted of a lot of challenges for the group— though Aspen had eliminated herself from the day's task. Everyone; Scott, Isaac, Stiles, Allison and Lydia, gave a helping hand in the mission that was saving Malia Tate. To summarise up to date, the once-were-coyote was successfully transformed into her now teenage-human-self, and safely returned to her father which she hadn't seen since the car wreck that killed their family.

It was today that things really got interesting.

Unbeknownst to Aspen— her older brother was currently on a flight to Beacon Hills all the way from New Orleans where she had previously ditched him high and dry after a failed werewolf recruitment.

The day itself was fairly calm, everyone attended their classes, and she was briefly filled in about the happenings in the woods yesterday in regards to Malia.

It was the night that everything started to kick off— in ways none of them truly comprehended yet.

"Get your ass down here now!" Stiles whisper-yelled into his phone as he grabbed some things out of his gym locker, "We have a job to do"

"Dude, I'm already in bed!" Scott said through the other end of the phone, "And aren't we getting a little old for this...?"

"We do this for Coach!" Stiles exclaimed back.

"I thought we did this to Coach..."

"Whatever, okay?" said Stiles, "You know he needs this! He lives for this stuff. He loves it!"

"But it's the middle of the night..."

"Which means it's after midnight and officially Mischief Night-slash-Day, and, by perfectly awesome coincidence, it also happens to be Coach's birthday." Stiles rambled, "So, if you are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you, okay? And I mean five, four, three, two—"

Before he could finish his irritated countdown, Stiles turned around after slamming his locker shut—finding quite the surprise when his eyes landed on a familiar glowing red pair right in front of him, making him quite literally jump in fright.

"One." Scott said smugly with an idiotic grin on his face.

"I hate you!" Stiles yelped from the floor as Scott continued to chuckle to himself proudly.

Stiles quickly got back off the floor with a hand from the McCall boy, and the two of them made their way out of the boys locker room, in the direction of coach's office which they intended to prank on the infamous Devil's Night.

As they followed out of the locker room, they were about to make a dash in the direction to their room of target, until the both of them were practically scared out of their skin by a familiar voice.

"I need your help"

Scott and Stiles both jumped from being startled, their heads snapping around to see the one and only Aspen Carter— one hand leant up against the wall, the other resting on her hip.

"Has anyone ever told the two of you it's not polite to sneak up on people?!" Stiles exclaimed while flailing his arms about in his typical manner, earning a laugh from both Scott and Aspen.

"I saw them again." Aspen ignored Stiles' remark, moving away from the wall, "The freaky-ass ninja things I told you about? They showed up while I was on my way home, much freaker than usual..."

"You still have no idea what they are?" Stiles replied.

"Nope— and I've sort of already admitted that I came back here for your help finding out what they want, despite how much it might have knocked my pride."

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