[ 54 ] don't test me

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                                                                   ASPEN CARTER would endure an eternity in the pits of hell, if it meant that her hazel eyed lover could spend his in the golden gates of heaven

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ASPEN CARTER would endure an eternity in the pits of hell, if it meant that her hazel eyed lover could spend his in the golden gates of heaven. She may be the angel in everyone else's lives—but if she had to? She would set the entire world on fire for those she held closest to her heart.

And no one ever expects the angel to be the one to burn the earth to the ground.

Right now? That's what she was wishing she had the power to do. Destroy everything else necessary to protect the innocent people around her whom she cared so much about. She was no longer in control of anything—her body, her mind, her actions, and even her soul. Everything was corrupted, her blood ran thick with the guilt of a killer. All she was able to do was sit back and watch as everything she touched turned to chaos and madness.

Like right now—as her arm reached out for the lever which controlled every ounce of power that lit up this hospital, she was unable to stop herself from pulling down on it—quickly causing the entire building to dimmen, every light bulb flickering off, causing panic from everyone inside. Aspen didn't want to do it—she tried to fight it so hard, but it was no use. What was done was done, and she dreaded every single thing that would follow, even though she barely knew half of it.

"What was that?" Sheriff Stilinski asked in a panicked voice from inside the hospital.

"It sounded like a power surge," the doctor who was responsible for Stiles' MRI scan replied.

It was only Melissa and Noah who were in the room with Stiles, just behind a glass window with the view of the MRI machine. Scott, Derek, even Ace who had stuck around—were all waiting outside.

Stiles' father was in a panic, until the very second the lights returned, merely moments after they had flickered off due to a certain someone's actions. He quickly turned around to check on his son, to check that everything was okay—only to find that it was the complete opposite.

"Where's my son?!"


In a matter of minutes, the Beacon Hills Memorial hospital had turned to absolute chaos, patients running and screaming, people evacuating urgently to get out of there. The only people in that building who weren't running or screaming or evacuating—were two certain teenagers, and a woman who felt brave enough to stand up to them.

Void had used the distraction that Okami had so cleverly put together to escape his hospital room. In the body of the teenage boy, he slowly walked step by step through a now-emptied out corridor. The way he walked was almost chilling, along with the way his face began to pale, his eyes darkened, and his entire demeanour was possessed. A smirk of satisfaction and victory was creeping it's way onto his lips—when the elevator he was walking away from made a dinging sound, and he stopped in his tracks slowly.

A woman emerged from it, lacking fear in her face and her appearance. Unlike everyone else in the building who looked like they were running for their lives due to a commotion that was occurring outside—this woman lacked any sense of intimidation.

The paled teenage boy slowly turned his head around to face the woman who dared to challenge him with so little fear. He merely tilted his head and remained silent as his darkened eyes landed on her.

"You know me," Noshiko stated into the empty corridor, and when Stiles stayed quiet, but kept his expression intrigued, she continued. "Then you remember I will not be deterred by your choice of host—even if it is an innocent boy."

"Are you threatening us?" he replied back with a hoarse and low voice, "All of us?"

The demon couldn't help but feel amused when his sentence seemed to confuse the older woman a little bit. That was always one of his favourite things about his partner in crime, Okami. How whichever human it chose to possess—it always held the power to erase any trace of itself. It was clever, really, ensuring no one ever remembered where it was and who it possessed. Like right now, Noshiko had no idea that a just as innocent teenage girl, who had even gone so far as to befriend her daughter—was the host to a demon that made Void look like a walk in the park.

And then suddenly, the Oni appeared out of the shadows, each one of them standing behind the woman, her version of a threat.

"Now, I'm threatening you." she replied, but the pale, possessed boy only raised his eyebrows in a sign of amusement, as his eyes flickered to the demons in front of him.

And then just as he was about to say something, he heard his own words snatched out of his mouth by another.

"You don't really think we're afraid of your little fireflies, do you?" a feminine but evil mocking laugh spoke from the other end of the hall, and both Noshiko and Stiles turned to see the brunette walking over; a smirk on her lips as her dark locks flowed behind her shoulders.

She was beginning to take on a similar appearance to Stiles, both of them growing pale with fatigue, but their eyes were losing their brightness they once had. Aspen's were no longer a vivacious emerald green, but more of a deadened and faded version of it. And Stiles' irises were losing their honey flecks and their hazel pigment, fading to a dull, near-to-black shade of brown.

"Boy, oh, boy..." Aspen sighed dramatically, materialising by Stiles' side, "looks like you really made an enemy out of her last time, hmm? I told you picking that soldier was a mistake, my little helper."

Instead of arguing back, Void smirked and laughed it off. Both of the nogitsunes found amusement and satisfaction in watching others in pain.

The two possessed teenagers exchanged one glance at the woman who stood by the elevators, the Oni still standing on either side of her. And then, they swiftly turned around, the smirks on their lips failing to wipe away as they began to walk off without another word. That was, until Noshiko decided to throw one last threat.

"If the Oni can't defeat you," she spoke loud, catching their attention and making the two of them stop in their tracks, "I know someone who will."

The brown-haired girl looked up to the side of her, her darkened eyes locking on the boy's beside her. A knowing look was exchanged between the possessed teenagers, before Okami turned a head over her shoulder, looking at Kira's mother with an amused expression.

"Right," she smirked, not feeling remotely threatened, "your daughter, right? Kira—was it?"

Noshiko remained silent as Aspen's body slowly turned around until she was once again facing the woman head on. And then she slowly and tauntily tilted her head to the side as her darkened, evil eyes bored into the woman's.

"Do you realise how easy it was for us to lead Barrow to your daughter?" Aspen spoke with a devilish smile, "Do you realise how easy it was for us to nearly get her killed? Sure, she escaped it that time, but don't test us. I'll have no problem with trying again, and I'll succeed this time."

Noshiko's face fell, as well as she was doing at hiding her fear in front of the demons—one of which she was familiar with, the other she was not—the threatening of her own daughter was enough to break her tough act. The look on her face said it all, which was why the possessed girl let out a dark and low chuckle that filled the dim-lit corridor.

She then turned around, and side by side with her accomplice—the two of them walked in the opposite direction to the mother of the teenage kitsune. And then, just as a mere whisper under her breath, she added,

"That goes for you too, Aspen. Don't test me."

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