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                     ASPEN was the first to wake up the following morning. Her face immediately contorted with a mix of confusion and annoyance when her eyes fluttered open, scanning her surroundings— to find she'd fallen asleep in Stiles' bed.

She was only clad in her black lace underwear from yesterday, as she turned over and found a very much asleep Stiles laid beside her. She scoffed to herself, getting out of bed and rushing to put her clothes on. Her jeans and shirt, along with her leather jacket were all hurled up in a pile by the bedroom door. She rushed to put them on, sliding both legs through the denim trousers, before she was startled by a voice behind her.

"Leaving so soon?"

She heard Stiles chuckle in his morning tone, and when she turned around, he was sat against his headboard with his hands resting behind his head— sans a shirt.

"Yeah, actually, I am." Aspen replied, currently getting her shirt over her head.

"How do you plan on getting to school?" Stiles asked confidently, "Because if I remember correctly... your fancy new bike is still in the parking lot."

Aspen found herself opening her mouth to say something, until she came to the annoying conclusion that Stiles actually had a very valid point.

"I guess I'm gonna have to drive you..." Stiles sighed like the idea of it was such a chore, getting out of bed and casually walking over to his dresser in nothing but his boxers.

"Or I could walk." Aspen argued stubbornly.

"You'd rather walk across town than let me give you a lift?" Stiles narrowed his eyes at her while he opened his dresser.

Aspen paused for a moment, before rolling her eyes and letting out a sigh of her own, then tossing on her leather jacket that was so carefully discarded last night.


"That's what I thought." said Stiles, putting on the first pair of khakis he found, followed by a simple white t-shirt and a flannel.

Once dressed, he turned back around to Aspen who was irritably stood by the door with her arms folded over her chest. The pair of them weren't exactly awkward about the... activities... they did last night, they were both casual about it as if it was nothing.

"Come on," said Stiles as he walked towards the door, grabbing his phone on the way out, "as much as I'm sure you would love to stay here all day with me, school awaits."

"Tell yourself that, I think last night proved who's really in charge here."


When Scott pulled into the school parking lot the next morning, he removed his motorcycle helmet, clipping it to the bike. Beside his, as per usual, there were the two black bikes which belonged to both Ethan and Aiden.

Aspen's bike was there too— but the McCall boy didn't think much of it, merely assuming she had already arrived at school and was inside somewhere.

That was until he heard the farmilliar sound of the engine of Stiles' jeep, making him turn around his shoulder and see the blue vehicle parking into a space.
As Scott continued to focus on the car, his werewolf hearing allowed him to hear what was going on inside of it. He heard... bickering.

Between Stiles, and a voice he'd know anywhere.

And then Scott watched as Aspen pile dout of the car with an irritated look on her face, and Stiles got out of the drivers door. Scott's brows furrowed at their arrival together, and his head flicked between them, and Aspen's bike, multiple times, over and over again, until his eyes finally widened in realisation.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now