[ part II epilogue ! ]

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FUNERALS were always depressing. Everyone showing up dressed in all black, tears all around, reminiscing speeches about the one everyone lost. The memorial for Allison Argent was beautiful—Aspen had made all the perfect arrangements.

Aspen wanted this day to honour the memory of Allison Marie Argent. That's why she planned the entire thing herself—because she made a promise to herself that she'd stop at no cost to honour her.

It was in the cemetery of Beacon Hills—it was a hot say, so they held the service outside. Friends, family—and anyone who wanted to honour the fallen teenage girl was here. Aspen wore a simple black dress, keeping tissues on her at all times much like everyone else.

"Friends, family, loved ones," Chris began the speeches off, as he stood at the front in his black suit, having flown in from Paris the day before—to grieve his daughter properly,

"We're gathered here today, to honour the memory of my daughter. Allison Marie Argent. She was loved by many, and was taken too soon."

Aspen sat among the many chairs, in between Scott and Stiles. Even after the breakup—Stiles knew Aspen needed his support through this day. He was close to Allison too—but no where near like the way Aspen was. Despite their mutual split-up, they were still there for each other. That didn't have to change.

"My daughter, Allison—was always the strongest one in our family..." Chris continued to speak, "her morals are what guided her through life—what made her who she is. Who she was..."

Aspen smiled weakly at the speech. Grieving Allison had not been easy or pretty—she'd shed more tears than she thought was humanly possible. And in no way was she out the other end of it just yet—but she tried to focus on Allison's dying words, and everything she'd said up to it. How she wasn't scared, how she was sure she'd find peace. Aspen knew Allison wouldn't want her to mope around every day for the rest of her life in grieving. She'd want her to be happy.

"My daughter had the courage to do things no Argent had ever done—" Chris carried on, tearing up a little as he read his speech, "She went against ideas she believed to be wrong, and stood up for what she believed in."

Aspen tried to imagine her—watching over them all. She hoped that everything Allison believed about death was true—that there's something after it—peace. She hoped Allison was at peace.

"Today—we honour her." Chris' speech came to a close, "We honour her morals, her courage, everything that shaped her into the beautiful young woman she became."

Chris smiled softly as he looked up at everyone in the seats before him, before getting off the small platform and going to re-take his seat with everyone else.

Now—it was Scott's turn.

Aspen gave his hand a short squeeze for comfort as he braced himself to get up there. They gave each other weak nods and smiles, as the McCall boy went up to take his place.

"Hello everyone," Scott began, "Allison was a lot of things to many people. To some, she was an acquaintance you'd walk by in the halls, and you'd be lucky enough to see her smile. To others—she was a friend, classmate, daughter, twin flame...

To me? Allison Argent was my first love."

Aspen already felt herself tearing up again, and she knew Scott was holding his back for everyone else's sake. Stiles' hand slowly slipped into Aspen' grip, and the two just kept them there, making no effort to move them. Their break up had hit them both incredibly hard—looking at each other felt like a hole had been carved out of their hearts—but they still loved each other. That part hadn't changed.

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