[ 11 ] glen capri

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▬▬▬▬ Trigger warnings: suicide, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts.


"I'VE SEEN WORSE." said Scott as all five teenagers got off the bus, arriving at a motel that Coach insisted they stayed at for the night.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles scoffed, turning his nose up at the building.

Aspen currently stood with Allison and Lydia, continuing her routine of avoiding the boy she loved— it was killing her, but being around him killed her more, knowing the impending fait that awaited her.

"Listen up!" Coach Finstock yelled, "The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves!"

Stiles was now looking over at Aspen, praying that any second now she would lift her head up, her emerald eyes would meet his hazel ones, and he would find reassurance that the two of them were okay.

But he was only kidding himself— and she did not look up.

"You'll be pairing up-- choose wisely." Coach continued, "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

"Can I join you guys?" Aspen said to Allison and Lydia, forcing herself not to look over in the boys' direction.

"Course you can." Allison said with a smile, as her and Lydia went over to coach to grab a key for a room.

She was about to turn around and follow after th girls, when she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

Aspen turned around to face whoever had stopped her, coming face to face with Scott-- just Scott.

"Scott, hey." she said with a smile, but immediately noticed he was looking at her with worry.

"That's funny..." he said vaguely as he tilted his head at her, making her brows furrow at him.


"You smiled at me..." Scott began, "You're looking at me for more than three seconds..."


"Why can't you even look at him?"

Aspen did not want to cry— nor did she want to talk about it. She was picking up the habit of running away from her problems— not confronting them, hoping they would magically disappear.

But this wasn't one of those situations, she was just unsure of how to handle this one.

"You know it's killing him right?" Scott said metaphorically, "He's going out of his mind thinking he's done something wrong."

The words were like the daggers was being twisted even further into her already shattering-heart.

She was hurting Stiles as well as herself.

"He hasn't." Aspen replied in a soft voice, turning her neck to the side to see the very brown-haired boy they were talking about, conversing with Isaac and Boyd.

"Then why are you avoiding him?"

"Scott it's complicated—"

"We're gonna find out eventually." Scott cut her off, "It would just be nicer for him if it came from you."

Scott left it there, giving her a weak nod as he walked off to go find Stiles— as the two of them made their way to their room, as Aspen let out a prolonged sigh, and turned around on her heels, making her way to the girl's room.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now