[ 19 ] guardian

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"IT BETTER BE...." Aspen heard Lydia mutter under her breath, furrowing her brows at her in wonder of what she was referring to.

"Aiden texted me to meet him, he said it was urgent." Lydia explained to the brunette, clearing things up.

"I'll go with you, come on." Aspen told her without a hint of hesitation.

"He said to go alone—"

"Lydia," Aspen said firmly, "There's someone going around committing mass human sacrifice, I'm not letting you go anywhere alone."

The strawberry blonde slowly nodded in acknowledgement, and the two girls swiftly made an exit from the auditorium.

Aspen already felt chills pricking at the hairs on her skin— uneasy with the idea of sneaking away to meet Aiden; she wasn't his biggest fan after all.

The two girls hastily walked through the corridor, the sickening feeling in Aspen's stomach only growing. She instinctively took hold of Lydia's hand, silently telling her that she had her back no matter what they would walk into incase it wasn't Aiden.

Suddenly, Lydia began to hear the sound of chanting getting louder and louder, her face contorting in confusion. Aspen noticed the change of her expression, and just as she was about to ask her what was wrong, another voice beat her to it.

"You recognise it, don't you?"

Aspen and Lydia span around on their feet in an instant, their pulses rapidly increasing in fear as they saw who they were faced with; Jennifer Blake.

Then, the older woman didn't waste a second before swinging a fist in Lydia's direction, knocking the redhead to the floor and rendering her unconscious.

"No!" Aspen shrieked out of reflex, her heart stopping for a brief moment as she looked down at the strawberry blonde.

"There there, Aspen." Jennifer spoke with fake sincerity, "You can join her too."

Before she could question Jennifer's words, Aspen felt a syringe inject her forearm, her mouth falling open and releasing a pained gasp as Jennifer pressed down on it, injecting what she assumed must be wolfsbane.

"I didn't plan on dealing with you quite so fast," Jennifer spoke to the Carter girl as she began to get dizzy and lose her balance, "But luckily, I can be persuaded to change my schedule..."


"Where the hell are they?" Scott mumbled panicly to Stiles, as they both relentlessly tried to reach both Aspen and Lydia.

"Aspen's not answering any of my texts," Stiles panicked, "She can't... she can't be—"

"We'll find her." Scott tried to calm Stiles down, "We'll find both of them."

"No, Scott—you don't get it." said Stiles, "Aspen going missing isn't just— she... she can't be left alone... they might've already taken her—"

"What?" Scott cut him off as he pinched his brows together, "What are you talking about? Who's they?"

Stiles snapped his head up to make eye contact with Scott, immediately worrying over the words that just left his mouth. He knew it was Aspen's secret to tell— about Deucalion being her father, but Scott needed to understand the severity of Aspen being missing.

"The alpha pack," Stiles sighed, trying his best to stay vague on Deucalion's relation to her, "they want her, so what if they've already got her?"

"What do they want with her, though?" Scott asked, not understanding, "She's not an alpha..."

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