[ 7 ] human sacrifices

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                      "I LOOKED EVERYWHERE." said Scott as he and Stiles got ready for cross country, "It's like he just walked away— left his car, his dog..."

"Okay, was he, like... could he have been a virgin, maybe?" Stiles asked, nervously, "Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?"

"No, definitely not- " Scott said sarcastically, "Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's a new policy."

Stiles clearly didn't pick up on the sarcasm.

"No," Scott added with a sigh, "I don't know if he was a virgin... And why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott!" Stiles exclaimed, "And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life!"

"You mean..." Scott couldn't help but tease a little, "You and Aspen haven't..."

"No, we haven't." said Stiles, "We've been dating for four months, and yeah, sometimes it gets a little... heated, but no, we haven't actually had sex."

"So her lack of sexual experience is also a threat to her life..." Scott narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, exactly!"

"You know there's a really simple solution to this, right?"

Stiles wasn't catching on to Scott's teasing suggestion, as he looked at him with furrowed brows, zipping up his grey hoodie.

"Just have sex!" Scott laughed, finding humour in the situation unlike Stiles, "You know, with your girlfriend? That you love?"

"Easier said than done, Mr. I-Have-Sex-On-The-First-Date!" Stiles scoffed.

"Whatever." Scott laughed off his comment.

Then Isaac strolled into the locker-room grabbing Coach's attention and cutting Scott and Stiles' conversation short.

"Mr. Lahey, happy to have you back!" said Finstock, "Not happy that you're late."

"Sorry, Coach." was all Isaac said back."I'll remind you all, cross-country is not optional for lacrosse players!" Coach yelled, "I don't need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off season. Also, we have one of the girl's joining us today."

"Who?" said a random voice.

"Aspen, she said something about, uhh- needing an extra curricular." Coach replied, making Scott and Stiles exchange glances.

"Of course she did."


"I don't understand why you'd willingly put yourself through this." Stiles said to Aspen as they set off on the cross country run.

"Figured I should work on my stamina, you know?" Aspen replied, "Considering I have a feeling I might be running for my frickin' life some time soon."

"Wh- huh?!" Stiles exclaimed, turning his head to her as they ran with the rest of the group. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means..." Aspen sighed, "I overheard some of those alpha-pack bitches talking about how they're one and only order is to find me, and bring me to... I don't know his name, I'm assuming it was Deucalion?"

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