[ 56 ] you should've heard her screams

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                       PUDDLES began growing as the rainfall over Beacon Hills became heavier by the second. The four teenagers were emerged in the downpour the second the jeep pulled up outside Deaton's animal clinic. The Oni had caught onto the nogitsune's whereabouts, as Kira and Scott hurried to get Aspen and Stiles inside the building, using the mountain ash barrier to their advantage. Kira and Scott fought them off, buying time as the other two ran inside.

In the midst of trying to fend off the Oni, Scott had been impaled straight through the stomach by one of their swords. He winced and grunted in pain as Kira was able to get him away and into the clinic. As they turned their heads towards the door, Aspen and Stiles rushed over to the wounded McCall boy, and lent a helping hand in getting him over to the counter—under the pretences of helping him.

Just as Kira wrapped her fingers around the handle of the sword, and braced herself to pry it out of Scott's flesh, a hand suddenly reached out and engulfed itself over hers, with so much strength and force that she let go of her grip and winced from the pain. It was Stiles—his hand wrapped around Kira's wrist and forcefully pried it away from Scott, feeling zero remorse as she cried out from the pain. With one smug and devious smirk sprawled over his paled lips, the possessed boy forcefully threw Kira's light and delicate frame to the ground, her head hitting the metal table in the midst of it, knocking her out cold. Then, a cold, dark chuckle emersed from the corner of the room.

Scott's face had fallen as all the blood practically escaped the flesh of it. He was more terrified in this moment than he'd ever been before in his entire life. He turned his head to where the dark and devious laugh came from, finding the flesh and bones of Aspen Carter, slowly walking over to where Stiles stood before Scott.

The brunette girl stood right before Scott, her delicate fingers floating around the handle of the Oni's sword, the smirk on her face still firmly there. Her dark locks of hair were soaked from the angry downpour of rain, the damp strands falling before her face as she looked up at Scott through them. She took in the look on his face—pure terror.

"Please don't," Scott begged through a horrified whisper, knowing he wasn't really speaking to his best friends, but the heartless and cruel demons controlling them, "please—please..."

"It's okay, Scott," Aspen whispered with a false sense of comfort, tilting her head slowly to the side as they locked a gaze. Aspen then broke the eye contact by looking up to the side, where Void stood, embodying the hazel-eyed boy, with a smirk on his own face that mirrored hers. Aspen simply nodded her head in Scott's direction while her eyes remained on the other possessed teenager.

Stiles reached out an arm, and planted it firmly on Scott's shoulder. It wasn't a supportive grip, it was harsh and strong, and even painful as his fingers forcefully dug into Scott's skin. It's purpose was to hold him down for what Okami planned next.

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