[ 70 ] allison argent

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train wreck— james arthur
unsteady— x embassadors

                         STILES, Scott and Isaac had figured out where the nogitsunes had taken Lydia

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                         STILES, Scott and Isaac had figured out where the nogitsunes had taken Lydia. One quick phone call to both Aspen and Allison had them hopping in Allison's car and making their way to the location. Before they had left the apartment, Allison had rushed downstairs to grab something—and when asked by Aspen what it was, Allison said it was nothing important.

The Argent girl was reluctant to open up about the plan she had theorised—about her silver arrowheads. Because she wasn't sure if it would work yet—and she didn't want to get people's hopes up.

As Allison drove along the quiet road under the dark night sky, the gleaming moon beaming over them, Aspen rested a fatigued arm up against the window of the car. She tried not to show it—but her whole body was aching immensely.

It only made her wonder what the other her was starting to look like. Would she be looking better, while the real her was actually just wiltering away? Was the nogitsune getting stronger and stronger as Aspen got weaker and weaker?

Just as the car pulled up to where everyone else was gathered, preparing to go inside and rescue the strawberry blonde, Allison turned in the driver's seat to face Aspen straight on. Aspen furrowed her brows, figuring she was about to say something.

"Before we go in there—" Allison said, "I need to say something."

"You can tell me afterwards." Aspen told her, putting her hand on the car door, about to open it and jump out before Allison stopped her again with her words.

"Asp—" she said softly, her eyes meeting Aspen's emerald ones, "I need— I need to know that I said it."

Aspen came to a frozen still, swallowing a lump in her throat as she relaxed her frame, taking her hand off the door handle and turning to face Allison. She hated this already. Whatever was so important—she could say it after tonight. Because they were both going to see tomorrow, right?

With a smile spread across her lips, and a mix of pride and love swimming in her eyes, Allison finally said;

"I'm proud of you." she spoke, "For being the strongest person I've ever met."

Aspen stayed frozen, her mind letting the words sink in. Was there anything she wanted more—than to hear Allison Argent say she was proud of her? There wasn't anything that came to mind. She held Allison on a pedestal that she rightly earned—her opinion was valuable to her—especially when it was about herself.

Aspen had been beating herself down for so long, drowning in the self blame and guilt—and all she'd wanted was to come up for air—to breathe.

And hearing Allison say that—it felt like she could finally breathe again.

Bend The Rules , Stiles Stilinski ² ✓ Where stories live. Discover now