[ 9 ] what will it be, sister?

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ASPEN couldn't take her piercing glares away from her brother, but she was yet to make eye contact with her recently-revealed father.

After Derek had reluctantly walked away from his own loft after Ace's not-so-empty threat, Ace and Deucalion were yet to speak up again. Aspen was seated in a metal chair, whilst the other two men stood up, arms folded over their chests, like this was an intervention.

"You could at least pretend to be pleased we came all the way back to Beacon Hills for you, sis." Ace sighed, sporting a sarcastic smile.

"You wasted your time." Aspen said back with no emotion readable in her tone.

"I don't think we did." Deucalion spoke, "You see, there's a beautiful plan about to be set in motion, you ready to hear it?"

"What the hell do you want with me?" Aspen spat, "If you're looking for some rekindling relationship then you're in for a great disappointment!"

"Let the man talk, would you?" Ace sighed, turning to face his father beside him. "And Dad, I reckon we give her a bit of backstory first, don't you think?"

"That's fair." Deucalion murmured, "Lets go from the beginning shall we?"

"Six years ago is where it all began, Asp." Ace began to explain as Aspen scolded him with a glare, "It was my seventeenth birthday, and just like you, the second the moon hit it's peak, claws were growing my fingernails and fangs from my gums."

Aspen half-relaxed in her seat, reluctantly admitting to herself that she did actually want to hear the story.

She did want to know what turned her brother into this.

"Except, unlike you, I wasn't given any warnings." Ace continued as he slowly circled around her seat, his hands clasped behind his back. "As you could imagine, it was very terrifying for seventeen year-old Ace, but you know what got me through it?"

"Your undeniable sense of positivity?" Aspen scoffed, laced with sarcasm.

"Not quite." Ace couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's answer, "It was actually an old friend of mine, Derek Hale."

"You mean the man you were impaling with a metal pole a matter of minutes ago?" Aspen scoffed back, frankly not believing him.

"That's the one."Ace held up his index finger, "As you can tell, the friendship ran into a few... problems."

"Get on with it, Ace." said Deucalion, getting annoyed with Ace's persistence for theatrics and sarcasm.

"Right." Ace sighed, now standing right in front of his sister, "Well, long story short, my buddy Derek got me through a lot of full moons, seeing as I already knew the secret about his family. Then... " Ace trailed off as he laughed sinisterly, purposely just trying to build suspense.

"Then came Paige...." he explained, "Beautiful girl, I told you about her a couple times, remember?"

Aspen nodded silently as she swallowed a nervous lump in her throat.

"Well, it would be safe to say she... came between us."

"Is that really true?" Deucalion piped up from where he stood a couple meters away.

"Would you just let me tell the story, Dad?" Ace whined, as Deucalion gave a humoured nod. "As I was saying, I fancied Paige, but typically, so did my pal Derek."

"I know where this is headed, remember?" Aspen said coldly, "She didn't love you back? She loved Derek instead, right?"

"Look at you, all high and mighty." Ace sarcastically spoke, "As if you didn't spend your whole life doing the same thing."

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