[ 15 ] too many truths

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The night was roaring with thunder, as lightening bolts were visible through the prison-esque windows of the confinement of Eichen House.

Audrey, the young woman who was no older than early twenties maybe, cries and cries until her tear ducts were as dry as her pale skin. The pain she was enduring felt like it would never end.

She didn't remember it hurting this much last time.

Around the woman stood four people; an Eichen nurse, Maggie and James Carter, and Deucalion.

Maggie and James were here against their will, while Deucalion was the one hovered over Audrey's bed, his hand caressing hers.

"Just a few more pushes, Audrey," the nurse told her in a delicate tone, but to Audrey, it didn't feel like a few more pushes.

Maggie turned away, to look up at her husband beside her who looked just as reluctant and miserable as she did.

The woman pushed as much as she could, losing her patience and wishing this baby would just be born already.

Several minutes of this passed; the screaming, the agony, the sheer misery.

Until finally, the baby's head could be seen, and relief washed over everyone. Well, almost everyone; sans Maggie and James.

They were most likely praying the baby wouldn't make it.

"One more push, Audrey!" the nurse encouraged her on, as the brunette woman cried and flushed along with her yells of pain.

She gave it everything she had, until that baby was born.

A beautiful baby girl.

The first thing noticeable about the newborn girl were her eyes. They were all shades of green, swimming around in the irises.
Her eyes were bigger than average, but that only made them more beautiful in the eyes of her father; who was holding her in his arms.

Her eyes looked exactly like her mother's.

The man who would grow to call himself the demon wolf seventeen years later, once had a heart, and a big one at that— which he could've sworn grew ten times bigger when he held his second child in his arms.

Deucalion smiled down at the baby, before lifting his head at the woman he loved, ready to show her how beautiful their daughter was already.

But Audrey's eyes were shut.

"She must be really tired," Deucalion spoke softly, looking up at the nurse for confirmation that she had merely fallen asleep— worn out from the childbirth.

But the Eichen nurse's gaze was fixed on Audrey in a sense that didn't suggest the woman had passed out. The nurse looked worried— terrified even.

Maggie and James were hurled up in the corner, barely paying attention.

"Wha-what is it?" the young man spoke in a cautious tone, his newborn daughter still cradled in his chest.

The nurse appeared to snap out of a trance by the way her head snapped up and her eyes bugged out frantically. Before Deucalion could question any of it, the woman was rummaging through a compartment of drawers, in search for something that seemed necessary.

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