[ 68 ] did you choose this life?

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"I— uh," Scott hesitated as he stepped into the kitchen where Aspen sat, still on one of the wooden chairs around the table, her eyes staring at the floorboards, "I brought you a change of clothes

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"I— uh," Scott hesitated as he stepped into the kitchen where Aspen sat, still on one of the wooden chairs around the table, her eyes staring at the floorboards, "I brought you a change of clothes..."

Aspen looked up at Scott as he announced, her body trying not to shiver from her cold temperature. She gulped, then Scott slowly walked around to sit on the set opposite her, placing the clothes on the table in front of her.

She reached forward and picked them up—her mind so foggy and her physical state in such a mess that she didn't notice the alarming part. The clothes Scott had given her were a pair of blue jeans, and a long sleeved red shirt—the exact outfit she wore in the vision Okami gave her in Eichen House. If she was in the right state of mind, she would've realised this fact and objected—but she was going so insane in that head of hers that she didn't notice.

"Thanks..." Aspen muttered under her breath shakily.

Scott's gaze lingered on her as her eyes returned to staring into space with a lifeless expression. Scott tried to fight back the tears that threatened to prick at his irises.

He was seeing her fully now for the first time since he entered Stiles' memories and saw one of his biggest fears. To think that she was going through that and Scott never knew any of it—ate away at him. He always tried to be the best for everyone—even those who some may argue don't deserve it. Like the twins. He shared all of his goodness out amongst the people in his life that he sometimes forgot that some need more than others.

Aspen didn't want to need anything. She didn't want to rely on other people, or put her mental state in someone else's hands.

But what she didn't realise is that Scott wanted her to rely on him more than she did. Scott wanted her to need him—he wanted to know when she was struggling like she was back then. He wanted to be there when he had to be.

Aspen got up from the chair without a word, about to head upstairs to shower and get out of her dirty Eichen house clothes—pieces of clothing that were scarred with such trauma. But just as she was nearing the stairs, Scott stopped her.


Aspen stopped in her tracks, slowly turning her head over her shoulder, her pained eyes landing on Scott's gaze. And then, without any words of explanation—Scott got up from his seat and slowly walked over to her—and wrapped his broad arms around her small frame, his eyes fluttering shut as he held the girl in his hugging rip.

Aspen froze for a second. She was taken back by Scott's sudden need to engulf her in a hug. She didn't think he was comfortable around her—and if that was the case, she wouldn't blame him.

But she eventually smiled into his shoulder, her own eyes falling closed as she wrapped her arms around his back and returned the hug.

Aspen didn't know what brought this on—she didn't know that Scott had just found out about the events of that night at Glen Capri. She didn't know that this was Scott's way of apologising for not being there without using his words.

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