[ 18 ] what's plan B?

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                WHILE Scott was off questioning Morell, Stiles and Cora were trying to convince his father about the supernatural, and Allison and Isaac were finding clues in the Argent home, Aspen sat by herself, on the floor of the girl's bathroom in the school.

She didn't have the effort to walk home, and Stiles had taken the jeep this time. So she was stuck in the school, trapped with the only company being her own spiralling thoughts.

She held her phone clutched in her hand, her thumb hovering over a contact she hadn't touched in years now. She wondered if he even had the same number; he was a completely different person, changing his contact information wouldn't exactly be beyond the realm of possibility.

The brunette took a deep breath, before making the decision to click the phone number. She brought up her cellphone to her ear, hearing the sound of the phone ringing.

It must've rang at least nine or ten times before she was met with the voice on the other line.

"You've reached Ace, for some reason, I'm not available right now, but leave a message and I'll try to get back to you."

She heard another beep, her eyes shutting in exhaustion and defeat. She didn't know why she held so much hope that he might've picked up. And even then, what was she expecting? That he would say hello and be a normal brother?

Aspen didn't bother leaving a message, as she clicked off of her brother's contact and srcolled down a few pages, from the 'C' numbers, to 'W'

She dialled another number, this one belonging to someone's voice she really did want to hear right now. Unlike before, this time the phone only rang a couple times before she was met with a cheery voice.

"Hey Asp!" Jackson Whittemore said into the phone, "What's goin' on?"

Aspen laughed weakly, as a small smile crept on her face. She loved her friendship with Jackson, as rocky as it got last year. The main thing she loved about it is that when they speak on the phone, it almost feels normal; like she doesn't live the insane, fucked-up life that she does.

"Just wanted to check in," Aspen replied, "you know, see how everything's going for you over there."

"Well, I do have some exciting news, actually." Jackson's voice spoke through the phone.

"Oh yeah?'

"Yeah, I mean, I haven't met Harry yet, but I still don't think this will disappoint."

"I'm on the edge of my seat, J."

"I met the irish one!" Jackson said all cheery, and for that split second— Aspen just felt like a regular teenage girl fangirling over a celebrity.

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