[ 39 ] stiles and his suspicions

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                   LAST NIGHT in the preserve, after successfully fooling Scott that the dead body wasn't at her hands (Stiles remaining skeptical), Aspen and the boys uncovered what seemed to be a coyote den, and Scott was also sure he happened t...

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      LAST NIGHT in the preserve, after successfully fooling Scott that the dead body wasn't at her hands (Stiles remaining skeptical), Aspen and the boys uncovered what seemed to be a coyote den, and Scott was also sure he happened to run into Malia herself— only she was a coyote, not a human. After that, the cops showed up to investigate, along with a particular nosy Agent McCall.

Aspen did not spend the night at Stiles again, and drove herself back to her temporary living situation— the motel just on the outside of town. This time, she didn't get any back talk from Stiles about it, little did she know it was because the Stilinski boy didn't buy a word she had said all night.

Stiles was convinced the dead body was of her doing— and he was also convinced there was way more to the story as to why she had done it.

"Here's where we found the den." Stiles said to Allison before history class began, "It's right in the middle of the hiking trails."

"Well, that could narrow it down." said the Argent girl, "Coyotes travel in fixed trails. But, I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves, and they're really smart— if they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

"They tiptoe?" Aspen said ludicrously at Allison's words.

"Yes, Aspen," Allison said with a false sense of delight, "They tiptoe. I thought you were the smart one?"

"Beleive me," Aspen replied as she made eye contact with the other brunette, "I'm much smarter than any of you realise."

This— again— peaked Stiles' suspicions. It was like he could now psycho-analyse every word that came out of her lips from a perspective he couldn't before.

"Nice to know that hasn't changed, then..." Allison said with a slight lace of bitterness to her words, but underneath anyone could tell that it came from a place of hurt and betrayal than it did bitterness.

Allison hadn't been around Aspen anywhere near as much as Stiles and Scott have since she returned. Neither had Lydia really— but the strawberry blonde didn't nearly have that connection that Allison once had with her.

It just hurt too much— hearing what she had done, and how much she liked it.

She missed her other half— not this emotionless soul trapped in the body of her.

"I gotta go," Allison added as she ripped her eyes off of the scoffing brunette, "but send me the pinned location for the coyote den." she added to Stiles.

"Sure." Stiles told her as she wistfully left the classroom without so much as turning back.

Aspen moved to take her seat at the sound of the bell, ignoring the glares she was getting from the Stilinski boy as she crossed her legs up on the desk— despite being told by teachers repeatedly not to do so.

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