[ 46 ] the first outburst

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                   "SO, when did you get there?" was the first question Rafael McCall asked the teenagers once they were brought into his office for questioning

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                   "SO, when did you get there?" was the first question Rafael McCall asked the teenagers once they were brought into his office for questioning.

"At the same time." Stiles answered vaguely.

"At the same time as who?" Rafael pressed for more details.

"At the same time as me." Scott answered,

"And me," Aspen added, joining in with the tanuntingly vague attitude.

"By coincidence?" said Rafael.

"What do you mean, by coincidence?" Stiles furrowed his brows together.

"That's what I'm asking you." said Scott's father, "The three of you arrived at the same time— was that a coincidence?"

"Are you asking me?" asked Scott.

"I think he's asking me." Stiles added.

"Come on guys," said Aspen, "he's obviously asking me—"

"I think he's asking all three of you." Lydia cut Aspen off.

Growing frustrated with the trio of teens, Rafael said, "Okay, let me answer the questions."

Aspen let out a snort of laughter with no trace of guilt at the man's slip up, and Stiles wasn't hiding his amusement either

"...Let me ask the questions." Rafael corrected himself, "Just so I have this absolutely clear... Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then, Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the whole town?"

"So you're not as incompetent as you let on, Raf," Aspen said with a condescending smile.

"How did you know he'd take her to a power station?" the McCall man asked, ignoring Aspen's comment.

"Well, 'cause he was an electrical engineer. So, where else would he take her?" Stiles answered like it was obvious.

"That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles." said Rafael.

"Yeah, what can I say? I take after my paps— he's in law enforcement."

From behind his desk, Sheriff Stilinski couldn't help but chuckle into his hand at his son's words.

"Stiles, just, uh..." he spoke up, coughing to try and hide his amusement, "just answer the man."

"We made a good guess." Stiles sighed.

"What were the two of you doing?" the McCall man turned his attention to his son and the Yukimura girl.

Scott answered, "Eating pizza." at the same time—Kira answered with, "Eating sushi."

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