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              ASPEN'S hands were stained Scarlett red

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              ASPEN'S hands were stained Scarlett red. The dark red liquid oozed from the tips of her claws, and her eyes were stuck in the cold, lifeless ice blue colour— refusing to return to their once warm emerald green. Her face was nothing but expressionless though. No—

She was smiling.

Inflicting death gave her strength— literally. She felt the extra power seep into her blood stream, now feeling more powerful than ever before. There was something different about this kill— different to all the others that happened outside of Beacon Hills.

The thrill of what she had just done was putting her on an adrenaline high. The rush of power seeped into her bones as she walked through the woods without a trace of remorse attached to her soul. She made no effort to clear up the mess she'd created, no attempt to wash her hands of the blood she had just spilled.

She wanted to revel in the chaos, strife, and pain.

The dark blanket of night had washed over the sky, the moonlight glimmering down on the brunette as she strutted through the preserve, victory on her belt. The body she had left behind was merely one of many, another kill to add to her list.

She'd made a promise to Scott McCall that in exchange for his help, she'd refrain from killing anyone else.

But it wouldn't be the first promise she'd broken now would it?

Speaking of which, the very thing she needed help with had failed to appear around her in a good few days. The four sword-wielding creatures that followed her all the way from New Orleans. She was wondering when they were going to make their next appearance, if it would be sooner or later.

Turns out— sooner was the answer.

As she got further through the preserve, walking in the direction of where she had left her motorcycle— in order to make her quick getaway, she heard the familliar ringing in her ear. Though this time, it sounded closer than it ever had been before.

Aspen spun on the soles of her feet, turning around to see the four black miscellaneous figures in front of her— only a meter away at most. They'd never gotten this close before— it was always from a distance, whether it be the New Orleans square, or the school parking lot— they always watched her from a distance.

But that wasn't the only difference between the previous encounters and this one.

Previously, Aspen's brows would furrow, she'd be filled with uneasiness and sometimes even a little fear.

But right now— she felt none of that.

Something— quite literally— came over her when one of them reached out a hand in front of her face. Her reflexes were quicker than ever before— quicker than the supernatural reflexes of an ordinary werewolf. Her hand snapped up in front of her, englufing the demon-looking figure's fist with her own, and slowly pushing it down while her bright blue irises didn't remove themselves from their firefly-like yellow ones.

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