sixty eight

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parked outside of the bosses house, harry slumped in his car as rain tumbled down on it. the sky was clear when he left his house and it's pouring out of nowhere all a sudden, like a sign of some sort.

both trisha and evan's vehicles were nowhere to be seen. his stomach was in knots at the thought of evan backing down from the throne before his time came. evan was supposed to die of old age or get crossed in the line of fire, not choose his own fate before he even turned fifty. this is completely ass backwards.

he opened his phone with a trembling hand and dialed his brother's number. it took a bit for him to pick up but harry could tell he had just woke up by the sound of his voice.

"can you come to dad's house?" harry asked, staring at the home he grew up in through the mess of water before him.

zayn said he would be there in ten, not even fazed by the fact it was 3:15 in the morning and the call ended. both men were rattled by their own brains. zayn was only wondering why he was thrown in the mix and harry was thinking of the outcomes if he did the right thing. was he even doing the right thing? maybe it really was a misunderstanding.

louis was right, harry had the tendency to act upon the first thought that came to his mind. plus it was really late, harry was exhausted, his brain is swarming with news and assumptions. evan's been in the game for as long as harry could remember. he could never leave this life behind.

could he?

his head hurts. his heart hurts. he stuffed the gun in the glovebox and punched the steering wheel repeteadly. niall's car eventually pulled up beside harry's and it was put in park before zayn hopped out and got in the opposing vehicle. harry looked at him with sad eyes.

"haz, you don't have to do this," zayn says. "this isn't your responsibility."

"it's only right," harry whispered.

"i'm the bloodline," zayn leaned his back against the door. "why are you stressing about this?"

harry stared down at his lap, fiddling with the rings resting over his fingers. he was silent for a while, the only noise between them being zayn's sigh and the pouring rain. zayn cracked the window just enough for air to come through without getting soaked and asked if he could light a cigarette. harry nods, still silent, and leaned his head back against the seat.

harry finally speaks up. "my baby, zayn. she's not even one yet an' she's already been through so much. just because he's the leader doesn't mean he can just do as he pleases without any consequences. he needs a taste of his own medicine, y'know?"

zayn nods as he took a hit of his cigarette. "i understand, but let's talk to him first. don't jump to any conclusions. you're overwhelmed, h. not using your brain."

harry nods and takes a deep breath.

"mum thought he was cheating on her," the younger of the two turned his head. "i've never seen her so sad before, bub, not since we moved out."

his mate chuckled. "yeah, she was pretty crushed. thought we were gone forever, huh?"

harry gave him a half smile. "poor woman didn't expect us there every weekend getting plastered and falling asleep in their bed."

zayn shook his head with a laugh and flicked the ashes of his cig on his jeans. "if he's cheating on her he may as well just go ahead and leave. we got mum, she'll be fine."

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