fifty eight

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adding drama is one of the only things i can do smh


"harry! harry!" louis screeches. "come here!"

harry nearly dropped his glass when he heard the panic in louis' voice from upstairs. he set his cup down and darts to their bedroom, seeing louis sitting on their bed with raven laying on her back and kicking her feet against louis' knees. he let out a breath of relief when he saw nothing wrong for the most part and knelt on the mattress to peek at his baby upside down.

he leaned down and kissed her nose, making a loud "mwah!" with it and smiled as the baby giggled. she was now four months old and a happy camper. her favorite thing to do was watch harry make funny faces at her and play with louis' keys. she also loved pulling on joker's tail when he was around but that was just a sensory thing for her. joker was such a good dog, he never snapped at her because harry and louis would do the same thing to him to play with him. there was one incident where joker sat on raven because she kept sneezing and he ended up being put in the corner for being mean to his baby sister.

"babe, look," louis said softly. he took his finger and gently pulled on raven's chin, exposing her pink gums. harry examined them before he noticed a little white nub and he gasped, leaning down to tap his daughter's nose.

"my baby has a tooth coming in!" he squealed. "that must be why she's been so fussy lately."

"poor little bird," louis crooned. "she must be in so much pain.." he leaned down and peppered kisses on her cheeks before picking her up and cradling her to his chest. they thought she just had a little baby cold, but now that they found the culprit of her problems, they don't have anything to worry about. louis knew that babies could get teeth early, but he never considered it being the source to their issue.

harry sits beside him and laid his head on his shoulder. "they grow up so fast."

louis chuckled and patted his daughter's bottom as she sucked on his shirt. "she has a check up tomorrow, gotta let the doctor know she's teething."

harry nods and kisses his cheek. "early again?"

"bright and early, eight in the morning."

harry groans and huffs. "we're night owls, why must they make us do things when the sun is out?"

louis snorts and shakes his head. "i dunno, love. it's quite a shame."

raven cooed from beneath him and harry takes his knuckle and rubs it along her cheek. "daddy's sweet girl," he murmurs. "she's such a good baby."

his fiancé nods in agreement and smiled softly. "she's perfect."

harry gets up to make a bottle when it reaches raven's usual feeding time. he took the initiative to feed her this time and talked to her as she sucked down her bottle. her bright blue eyes were slowly becoming hooded, getting sleepy as she neared the end of her meal. she let out quite the loud burp when she was burped and conked out against harry's shoulder with her thumb between her pouted lips. she reminded harry so much of louis. the way she would giggle and her little nose would twitch just like his, she always got sleepy after she ate, she always wanted attention, she was her father reincarnated.

"'m gonna go make some tea," louis said softly so he didn't scare the baby. "do you want anything?"

"just a kiss," harry hummed. louis grinned and leaned over, pressing a tender kiss to his lips before kissing raven's head and making his way to the kitchen, where he didn't notice that the window was open and a little red dot was blinking as he walked by.

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