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we made it to chapter 50!


"it's used for what?" harry asked quietly, fear rising in him.

"to induce-"

"he was trying to kill my baby," louis whispered and began raising his voice. "this god damn doctor tried killing my daughter! with fucking tea! are you fucking kidding me? oh my god, i need-" he stood up but was quickly pushed back down into his seat by niall, who crouched down to where he was eye level with the man.


"i'm not a fucking dog niall, don't. i don't want to be talked to right now. please let me get up," louis said, eyes brimming with tears. harry shifted as slow as he could, not trying to trigger another episode of vomiting and reached out for his fiancé.

"come here," he said softly. louis didn't even ask the nurse if he could get in the bed. he stood and walked over on shaky legs, leaning over to latch himself onto harry as best as he could without his big belly getting in the way.

"he tried hurting raven," louis whimpered and curled into his chest. "our little baby, she didn't even fucking do anything..."

"i will handle it," harry whispered. louis shook his head and tilted his head up.

"no. i will. i'm carrying her, it's my right to defend and protect her just as much as it is yours."

"then do it with me."

louis nods and sits up. "okay," he turns to face niall and the nurse. "what can we do to help harry?"

"we've put some i.v.'s in to help flush it out some more, where he has been vomiting he probably got alot of it out. we need to keep pushing fluids in him, monitor how often he throws up and if he gets dehydrated or passes out we may have to admit him into another wing. but it's been fifteen minutes since we were last informed of his puking so that's good, it's spreading out instead of being back-to-back," the nurse says, reading off her board.

niall turns to leave but was stopped by harry.


"yeah, bubba?"

"can you tell zayn that we need to move back in for like a week?" harry asked, voice raw. louis rose an eyebrow but didn't say anything against it, just tucking his head in harry's neck and letting silent tears loose. harry felt dampness against his skin and he carded his fingers through louis' hair, closing his eyes and leaning his cheek on the top of louis' head.

the nurse excused herself to grab some more medicine for harry and niall walked down the hall to find his partner. zayn was on the phone with evan, judging by the voice on the speaker.

"zayn," niall nervously fiddled with his fingers.

"is he okay?" zayn asked. "i didn't want to be around him and him puking, that's gross."

niall nods and sits beside him. he noticed he was still on the phone and cleared his throat. "ev? your doctor is a fluke."


"he gave lou and haz tansy tea," the irish lad says. "tansy tea is used to induce miscarriages and abortions. even though louis is almost in his third trimester, he still gave it up. apparently louis didn't like it so harry took it and this is what's happening to him. he's wretching and in so much pain that we had to admit him in the emergency room."

"what the fuck," zayn whispered. "what the fuck."

"son of a bitch," evan yells. "wait until i get my hands on that bastard. i'm gonna kill him. just wait. i'm gonna beat the fuck out of him and then squeeze him until his eyeballs pop out."

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