forty eight

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"hey, bartender," louis heard and he rolled his eyes as soon as he recognized the voice. "can i get twelve large pizzas and a scotch on the rocks?"

the bartender turned around and put his hands on the counter. "no, but you can kiss my ass."

harry chuckled and leaned over the countertop to kiss his fiancé. "hi my love. rough day?"

"not really," louis shrugged and grabbed a towel to start wiping the counter down. "just really tired. baby raven is wearing me out."

"maybe you need to go ahead and go through with your maternity leave, babe," harry lifted his arms so louis could swipe the cloth under him.

louis shook his head. "gotta save up for the baby, haz."

"we have more than enough for the baby," harry argued. "you are just hard headed."

louis stuck his tongue out at the man and took the two dollars from him to give him two sodas, one for himself and one for his spouse. louis wasn't much of a soda person but he enjoyed one every now and then.

the club was pretty dead, since everyone was traveling around for fall break. louis remembered just this time last year he was meeting up with harry every night he worked and going back to his house when he got off. he couldn't believe it. time really does fly by.

"penny for your thoughts?"

louis blushed and snapped out of his trance. "i just love you."

harry's lips quirked into a grin. "aw, i love you more, baby."

louis grabbed a few glasses, wiping them off and stocking them. "don't forget that i get off early tonight so that we can see the baby doctor."

harry nods and salutes. "aye aye." he gave a curt nod as he began to get excited that dr. baugh agreed to coming at different times of the day to have appointments done just in case something occured.

louis chuckled and took a few orders, pouring shots and making drinks. running the bar by himself wasn't too bad until his feet and back began to hurt and he had to sit down. harry pouted, seeing his boy in distress made him upset but he knew lou was a trooper and he would be okay.

"where's niall?" harry asked.

"on break," louis groaned, putting a hand on his back. "won't be back for another fifteen."

harry nods and moves to the other side of the bar so that he could be near louis. "i'm sorry that you're hurting, babe. is there anything i can do to help?"

louis turned his head with a little pout on his lips. "kiss it."

"kiss what?"

"it," louis said. "me, louis. i am it. kiss it. kiss me."

harry chuckled and bent over, pressing a gentle kiss to louis' cheek before aiming for his lips. "better?"

"not really, i just wanted to kiss you."

harry snorted and grabbed louis' hand, rubbing his knuckles. "you're a goof."

"mm, you love me."

"only because i have to."

louis gasped in mock defense and hit harry with the towel laying beside him. "you're a twat."

"i love you?" harry grinned, making kissy faces at his lover.

"yeah yeah, can you do me a favor?"

"anything for you," harry replied.

louis slid off of his stool and looked around. "meet me in the bathroom in like..five minutes."

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