twenty three

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i'm sorry.

this is also kind of rushed because its 3am and i have to be up at 7 but i wanted to update. 😚


"let's have a lads day," louis suggested. "niall and i don't work tonight, and we all haven't hung out as a group. let's go out."

niall had agreed to stay a few days at harry and zayn's house because his flat was too quiet and boring. plus, louis was there ninety percent of the time so he wouldn't be too bored if zayn was asleep or working. he usually spent his time cuddled under zayn's blankets watching netflix or holding the lizard, who had seemed to grow alot since it had it's first shed not that long ago.

louis enjoyed partially living with niall plus working with him. they were completely different people in the areas. at harry's, louis was cuddly and cute while at bounty, louis' eyes sent daggers at every direction of a hungry drunk who tried to either talk to harry when they saw him or touch his own ass. niall on the other hand was kind of similar -- lovey dovey with zayn but at the pub he was down to business and occasionally danced on top of the bar to make the dj laugh.

"can we go mini-golfing?" niall asked from zayn's arms.

harry and zayn shared glances before shrugging at the same time.

"there's a malibu jack's styled place around here somewhere," zayn mentioned. "'s got roller skating, golf, lazer tag-"

"haz can we go?!" louis bounced on his lap. "oh please, please, please-"

harry silenced him by leaning forward and merging their lips. it definitely worked because louis was soon pliant in his arms, holding the man's face as he made out with him. harry enjoyed using that to his full advantage -- he could have louis under his trance in seconds but louis could do the same to him also.

niall turned his head while zayn awkwardly cleared his throat, making louis blush but harry's lips grow into a smirk.

"we can go," harry murmured, smiling when his tiny lover squealed and jumped out of his lap. he and niall went to get dressed and zayn rocked in his seat.

"you're whipped," he commented as he lit a cigarette.

"more like in love!" niall yelled, screeching when louis pinched his pierced nipples. harry got a kick out of that because yes, he definitely was in love with louis and would never deny it a day in his life.


the arcade was in the town over but it was close, an approximate thirty minute drive plus the short drive over the bridge connecting the two cities. louis fiddled with his promise ring as harry had a grip on his thigh as he drove. they decided to take louis' car because it was bigger than the rest of the other men's, and for the fact that the seats were comfier. surprisingly, louis allowed harry to drive and he never let anyone drive his car. not even his mum and she was the one who helped him get it!

niall was cuddled up into zayn's side, often feeling a small kiss pressed to his temple. they were almost to the bridge and louis was getting antsy because not only was he excited to get out, but he really had to pee.

harry kept eyeing the rearview mirror, squinting every once in a while and judging by the dark gleam in his eyes, zayn had a feeling something bad was bound to happen soon. he wasn't sure who, what, or why, but he followed his mate's gaze through the back of the windshield and his dumbass sent a middle finger to the driver in the car behind them.

"i love you," louis randomly spoke in the midst of the silence.

harry peered over and grinned, focusing on the road. "i love you, lou."

"i'm gonna puke fucking rainbows," zayn gagged as he flicked his cigarette out of the window. niall laughed and laid his head on his shoulder as louis flipped the older man off.

louis jumped when he heard and felt something hit the back of his car and he turned to harry with wide eyes.

"what was that?" niall screamed and harry glanced back in the rearview mirror, his grip on louis' thigh growing stronger as he tried to weave between cars. zayn pulled the irish boy down and louis looked behind them, squeaking when a bullet hit the back of the car.

dink, dink, dink-

"god damn it!" harry yelled and he floored the gas. "prince, duck!"

louis let out a terrified yelp when a bullet came through the back window and whirred straight through the front windshield, shattering it. glass flew everywhere and harry covered his face with one hand. niall was trembling in zayn's arms and harry was just trying to get away from the assailant.

louis screamed again when the glass flew to the floor, covering their laps. harry gripped the wheel with both hands and jerked over to the left.

"it's okay," harry tried to convince him. "just hold on, babe."

zayn shot up, holding niall down and he whipped his gun out, firing shots through the window. louis covered his ears from the noise and harry was going almost over 120 when zayn kept screaming at him to go.

"i can't go any fucking faster!" harry yelled and zayn groaned, continuing to fire shots until he successfully made one through the front window. it was sickening to watch the bullet crack through the driver's forehead but it was even more sickening for harry to notice that the car was still barreling toward them. harry braced for impact and niall shrieked as the oncoming vehicle impaled the side of louis' car, sending them both crumbling through the bridge.

everything was fuzzy. it felt like they were underwater.

louis held his breath and unbuckled his seatbelt, fumbling to undo harry's. he noticed niall stirring in the back seat and the irish man woke up, the feeling of creek water stinging his eyes.

louis kicked open the car door, pulling harry's limp body out and niall did the same with zayn when he realized they were fucking sinking. the emotions coursing louis' mind were slowly taking over him, almost impacting his swimming abilities.

louis finally made it to the top, coughing harshly and he weakly kicked his legs to the bank with harry on his back. he saw no signs of the other car, nor the other passengers in it.

louis laid on the bank and rolled harry off of him, checking for a pulse.





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