twenty four

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louis trembled and begged as he continued to check, "fuck, no, no!" he pulled his wet hair back and began to do compressions, pushing the heels of his hands into harry's chest and plugged his nose, breathing into his freezing lips before continuing to pump his arms.

niall came up with zayn, who was, thankfully, still breathing. he watched as louis tried to resuscitate his boyfriend and felt horrible for the lad.

louis felt tears brimming his eyes as he fell back against the ground. he punched the gravel as he choked out, "no! come back! harry please!" and laid his arms against the man's chest. broken sobs escaped through his lips as he held his lifeless boyfriend's body in his lap.

"keep trying," niall croaked. "don't give up, lou. lay him flat."

zayn stirred and coughed, a little bit of water coming up and niall aided him until he was stable and crawled to louis, helping him do more cpr.

"please," louis whimpered as he pushed and breathed into harry's mouth. "hazza, please..."

niall felt around harry's neck and teared up when he felt a faint thumping against his fingers. "keep going! it's there!"

"wha?" zayn mumbled and sat up. his eyes widened at the commotion and niall tore harry's shirt off. louis sobbed at the seatbelt lashes across the man's chest and continued to pump his hands.

"remember that episode in the office?" niall tried to lighten the situation. louis gave him a glare and niall put his hands up, chewing on his lip.

louis inhaled deeply and exhaled as much as he could into harry, crying even harder when the man began coughing dangerously and zayn pulled louis back.

harry groaned as he felt his head hit the ground and louis sniffled. "harry?"

"prince," harry mumbled. louis let out a weird noise and flung himself onto harry, clinging onto him as his sobs were muffled into harry's neck.

"you were dead," louis wheezed and continued to ramble, "i-i tried to do cpr and it didn't work and then niall said it did and-"

harry pulled him closer and squeezed him. "i'm here. i'm alive."

niall squeezed louis' shoulder and zayn hissed when he tried to move. "ah, fuck."

"bub?" harry looked over.

"i think-i think it's broken," zayn groaned. niall pulled off zayn's shoe and carefully lifted his pant leg. zayn's ankle was an ugly shade of purple and black.

"lou? you're the medic here," harry croaked out, coughing. louis gulped and looked over, not wanting to let harry go because what if he died on him again?

"go," harry murmured. "i'm right here."

louis wiggled off of harry's lap and crawled over to zayn, his heavy clothes soaking up rocks as he moved. "'s definitely broken."

the four soon heard sirens in the distance and louis looked to the bridge, suddenly feeling sick. it was still occasionally dropping pieces of concrete and people were still going across it.

niall held louis up as he puked into the lake, turning his head.

"are you lads okay?!" someone yelled from behind them. niall waved them over and a group of medics hurried down the hill to them. louis was still emptying the contents in his stomach and zayn was flinching everytime he moved. why he didn't feel it earlier was a mystery, but now he felt like absolute shit. his ankle was throbbing, his head was pounding, they all were soaking wet and harry died. not for long of course, but he still stopped breathing.

louis laid back against niall, whimpering. "what the actual fuck?"

harry rubbed his face as some men and women with stretchers, towels and bags came over. he wanted louis. he wanted to hold him and never let go. louis -- his poor louis was so shaken up that harry feared he was going to have an anxiety attack.

"we have more help on the way, lads," a woman said as she gave the men their own towels. harry scooted over to louis and pulled him into his lap, kissing the man like he's never been kissed before.

"i'm so sorry," louis hiccuped. "it was m-my idea and-"

"hush," harry said, pulling back to look at him. "it's not your fault, babe."

"who ran us off?" louis weakly asked.

"i think i have an idea who," zayn muttered, eavesdropping on their conversation as he was given a warm towel. "remember when bounty got...ya know?"

"erm...we kind of went out and gave the guy who came a taste of his own medicine," harry said softly. "i think those were some of his people."

"but- why now? why wouldn't they have done it sooner?"

"vulnerability," zayn shrugged and held niall as niall's temperature was taken. "they struck when we least expected."

"i love how you guys are having casual conversations about this in front of emergency medics," niall said once the thermometer was removed from his mouth. harry shrugged it off and took louis' shirt off of him, wringing it out in the creek.

"we're taking you lads to the nearest hospital to do an evaluation," the same woman said.

"oh hell no," zayn shook his head. "no, nope, nada, not happening, lady."

niall frowned and he turned to face him. "zaynie," he said softly. zayn glanced up at him and zayn couldn't resist the beautiful blue eyes staring deeply into his own. "you have to, zee. it's for your own good..."

"i hate doctors," zayn mumbled.

"i hate bugs but i'm outside alot," niall shrugged. "you have to. please, for me?" he frowned even more and leaned down to whisper, "i'll suck you off if you do."

"okay," zayn caved, sighing. "okay, i will."

harry rose an eyebrow and gave louis a confused look. the small man was just as confused himself, because months ago zayn was refusing to go to the doctor over a gunshot wound. now he's suddenly going because a cute blue eyed lad with an irish accent and pierced tits pleaded him to?

"and i'm the whipped one," harry told louis, who cackled and snuggled into harry's chest.


atleast it got a little better, right? ;)

but like i said, im nowhere near done with this thing. i have so many things plotted & this will probably be like...50-55 chapters? hopefully thats not a problem lolol (:

thank you for 6.5k, yall are the shiznit

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